Zhao Zhouqiao, also known as "Anji Bridge", is an arc single-hole stone arch bridge located on the Chengmian River in Zhao County, Hebei Province. It is the earliest and most well-preserved ancient single-hole open-shouldered stone arch bridge in the world, with a history of 1400 years, and is known as "one of the four treasures in North China".
Zhao Zhouqiao was built in the 11th year of Emperor Kai of Sui Dynasty to the 19th year of Emperor Kai (AD 595-605). It was designed and built by the famous craftsman Li Chun. His name was engraved in the inscription on the bridge, and a statue of him stood by the bridge.
brief introduction
Zhao Zhouqiao is all made of stone. There is no pier under the bridge, but an arched bridge opening, which spans more than 30 meters across the Weihe River. There are two small arch bridge holes on the shoulders of the big arch.
At ordinary times, the river flows through bridge opening. When there is a flood, the river can also flow through four Kobashiguchi. This design not only reduces the impact of running water on the bridge, so that the bridge is not easily washed away by flood, but also reduces the weight of the bridge and saves stone.