Li Sao has done immeasurable harm to later literature, so it has a very high position in the history of ancient literature. Wang Yang, the eldest son, is as arrogant as the poet Li Bai. He once said that "Qu Ping's ci poems hang the sun and the moon", and its necessity can be seen. Its harm lies in two aspects, one is the writing method, and the other is the spiritual inheritance.
Sima Qian was born in the royal family. When he was a teenager, he was well educated and ambitious. At the early stage of his career, he was trusted by Chu Weiwang, who served as a doctor in San Lv and concurrently served as a foreign affairs officer. He believes that the promotion of talents and abilities, the improvement of discipline and discipline, and opening to the outside world will advocate joint efforts against Qin. Later, he was demoted and exiled because he was slandered by the royal family. After Yan was conquered by Guo, because he felt that his country had perished, he didn't want to be a conquered nation, so he threw himself into the Miluo River and died for his country.
From Sima Qian's Resume, we can know that Sima Qian is a thinker, a patriot TV series and a writer. In Historical Records, a "good history", Sima Qian made a positive and reasonable evaluation of Sima Qian directly. Biography of Qu Yuan in Historical Records is a part of Sima Qian in Biography of Qu Yuan and Jia Sheng. It should be pointed out that this is also the earliest and most complete historical data about Qu Yuan, and it is one of the most important bases for scientific research on Sima Qian's life experience.