Weak current refers to DC circuits or audio, video lines, network lines and telephone lines, and the AC current and voltage are generally within 24V. Telephone, computer, TV signal input (cable TV line), audio equipment (output line) and other electrical appliances in household appliances are all weak current electrical equipment. Weak current is characterized by low current, high frequency and low voltage, which can meet the needs of electronic products.
Extended data
Strong electric power is measured in KW (kilowatt) and MW (megawatt), voltage is measured in V (volt) and KV (kilovolt), and current is measured in A (ampere) and kA (kiloampere); Weak current is measured in W (Watt) and mW (Milliwatt), voltage in V (Volt) and mV (Millivolt), and current in mA (mA) and uA (Microampere), so its circuit can be composed of printed circuit or integrated circuit.
There are also high frequency (hundreds of KHz) and intermediate frequency devices in high voltage, but the voltage is higher and the current is larger. Due to the development of modern technology, weak current has penetrated into high voltage fields, such as power electronic devices and wireless remote control. But these can only be regarded as the weak current control part of high voltage, which is different from charged high voltage.
Baidu encyclopedia-weak current