Now you have to take the exam of three assistants, and you have to complete not less than two years of vocational education in navigation-related majors or above in navigation-related technical secondary schools. If it is the most common crew treatment, it is more than 20% to 30% of the average social wage. After graduation, three certificates of competency and college education should be tested together. In other words, starting from 2009, all graduates of "Three-to-Three Management" have college education and above. You can't get on the boat without any documents.
Senior seafarers have several requirements:
First, English is good, otherwise it will be difficult to pass the exam.
Second, height and vision are required. Decks are more demanding than engines.
Third, we must study full-time for three years And you have to prepare 40 thousand to 50 thousand tuition. The treatment at the operational level is more than thirteen thousand.