Place of Birth | Ipoh Malaysia
Birthday | August 30th
Height | | 174CM
Weight | |60KG
Blood type | B+
Wish | Build a dream house on an uninhabited island.
Specialty | Piano, music creation, production, funny.
Hobbies | Music, drama, outing, talking with dogs.
Education | Diploma in Computer Engineering and Recording Engineering
Favorite sport | swimming
Favorite food | ice cream, fruit
Favorite color | Olive green
Favorite country | Malaysia, New Zealand
I studied piano in the fourth grade, and I studied piano with my six-year-old sister for seven years.
● In the second grade, he began to compose music, and served as the coach of the Church China Choir, adapting traditional hymns and driving a new singing trend.
● 1990 | Participated in 30 singing competitions and won the first, second and third prizes.
● 1993 | Because of an all-Asian singing competition, I signed the first record contract of my personal singing career.
● 1994 | Making the first collection of local Chinese hymns of the Catholic Church in Malaysia.
● 1994 | After graduating from recording engineering, I collaborated with my classmates and Huang Pinguan on the album Palm.
● 1995 | Join Rolling Stone Records.
●200 1 year | Opening of Liang Guang "Anke Music" Conservatory of Music.