2. The TV series "The Distance to Love" was produced by Shandong Film and Television Group (Shandong Film and Television Production Center), directed by Jianchuan _, and produced by Jerry Lee, starring Jerry Lee, Jin Dong, Pan Hong, angel lee, Gao Xin and Cui Xinxin. The drama mainly tells the story of medical workers' unremitting pursuit of career ideals and overcoming incomprehension and prejudice under various constraints of reality.
3. Forever Youth is a large-scale inspirational TV series directed by Yeming Song and Wang Yilun and starring Jin Dong, Li Jia, Liu Liqi, Zhou Jun, Yin Mingming, GaiJiLi and Murray Clive. This film tells the ups and downs of several young people's struggles. It is a domestic TV series about youth, struggle, emotion and inspiration. In the play, the Jiangmen brothers made different choices about going to college. My brother Liu Huasheng decided to visit his uncle in Macau, and my brother Hua Jie went to college. Since then, the two have started different fates.