1. If you fail the exam, you need to make up the exam. If you fail the exam in college, you have to wait until the next semester to retake it, which is also very tormenting, because the make-up exam has no usual results. Make-up exams will be more difficult than 1 exams. So since everyone has to review, why not review well at the beginning of the exam? The college exam is not that difficult, as long as you review well, you will basically not fail.
Second, failed the course and missed the scholarship? There are all kinds of scholarships in universities, but the premise of applying for all kinds of scholarships is that you have not failed to repeat the grade. If you fail the course unfortunately, you won't get these scholarships, and then you can only watch others get all kinds of scholarships.
3. Failing the course has no advantage in finding a job? Failing the course will also affect your job search in the future. Many college students will be asked if they failed the course in college during the interview. If they fail the course, it will definitely affect the interviewer's judgment on you. After all, the most important task for students is to study. If you can't even pass the basic exam, then the interviewer will especially doubt your learning ability. In some cases, those interviewers are definitely more inclined to choose someone who has never failed.
I hope everyone will study hard in college and don't leave any regrets about failing the course. In fact, college courses are not difficult, and college teachers will not deliberately embarrass you, so as long as they work hard, they will not fail. Readers, what do you think? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area and look forward to your wonderful speech.