Look at the common RGB values of the background color. Good-looking colors can bring a good mood. Warm colors are warm colors, cool colors are cool colors, and various colors give people a completely different feeling. When using drawing or ps software, it is more convenient to know the RGB value of a certain color. Let's take a look at the good-looking RGB values of common background colors.
Good-looking' common background color RGB value 1 mung bean paste can effectively reduce the eye fatigue of long-term computer use!
Tone: 85, chroma: 123, brightness: 205;
RGB colors red: 199, green: 237, blue: 204;
Hexadecimal color: #C7EDCC or #CCE8CF
Eyesight protection colors of other computer windows:
Yinhe White # fffff RGB (255,255,255).
Almond yellow # faf9 de RGB (250,249,222)).
Qiuyecha # fff2rgb (255, 242, 226)).
Carmine # FDE6E0RGB (253 253,230,224)).
Green # e3eddrgb (227 227,237,205).
Haitian Blue # dce2f1RGB (220,226,241).
Towel blanket # E9EBFERGB (233,235,254) ())) 652)
(Aurora Grey # # #EAEAEFRGB(234, 234, 239)))) 652)
In addition, the computer housekeeper's eyes are also very convenient. (You can check the current color value through QQ screen capture. )
Male: 204 female: 232 male: 207
Good-looking common background color RGB value 2 red red
Magenta (passion)
CMYK:C 15 M 100 Y20 K0
RGB: R207 G0 B 1 12
Magenta carmine (bold)
CMYK: C 100 M0 Y60 K 10
RGB: R2 15 G0 B64
Ruby Ruby (Wealth)
CMYK: C20 M 100 Y50 K0
RGB: R200 G8 B82
Rose red (elegant)
CMYK: C0 M95 Y35 K0
RGB: R230 G28 B 100
Camellia Camellia (smile)
CMYK: C0 M75 Y35 K 10
RGB:R220 g 9 1 b 1 1 1
Rose pink rose pink (female)
CMYK: C0 M60 Y20 K0
RGB:R238 G 134 B 154
Spinel red powder (charming)
CMYK: C0 M55 Y30 K0
RGB: R240 G 145 B 146
Purple Opera-Lavender (Elegant)
CMYK: C 10 M50 Y0 K0
RGB: R225 G 152 B 192
Coral powder Coral pink (docile)
CMYK:C0 M50 Y25 K0
RGB:r 24 1g 156 b 159
Flamingo (cute)
CMYK: C0 M40 Y20 K 10
RGB: R245 G 178 B 178
Light pink-pink (elegant)
CMYK: C0 M30 Y 10 K0
RGB: R247 G200 B207
Shell powder shell powder (innocence)
CMYK:C0 M30 Y25 K0
RGB:R248 g 198 b 18 1
Pale pink (beautiful)
CMYK:C0 M 15 Y 10 K0
RGB:R252 G229 B223
Salmon powder salmon powder (interesting)
CMYK:C0 M50 Y40 K0
RGB:R242 G 155 B 135
Scarlet (positive)
CMYK:C0 M85 Y85 K0
RGB:R233 G7 1 B4 1
Scarlet (vitality)
CMYK:C0 M 100 Y 100 K0
RGB:R230 G0 B 18
Deep red, intense red (gorgeous)
CMYK:C0 m 100y 100k 10
RGB:R2 16 G0 B 15
Crimson Cardinal-Red (Majestic)
CMYK:C0 M 100 Y65 K40
RGB:R 164 G0 B39
Brumby (substantive)
CMYK:C60 M 100 Y80 K30
RGB:R 102 G25 B45
Earth Red Old Rose (Soft)
CMYK:C 15 M60 Y30 K 15
RGB:r 194g 1 15 b 127
Orange orange
Orange oranges (full of energy)
CMYK:C0 M80 Y90 K0
RGB:R234 G85 B32
Persimmon color persimmon (cheerful)
CMYK:C0 M70 Y75 K0
RGB:R237 g 1 10 b 6 1
Orange orange (beautiful)
CMYK:C0 M70 Y 100 K0
RGB:R237 G 109 B0
Sun Orange Sun Orange (Harvest)
CMYK:C0 M55 Y 100 K0
RGB:r 24 1g 14 1 B0
Tropical Orange Tropical Orange (Dream)
CMYK:C0 M50 Y80 K0
RGB:R243 G 152 B57
Honey orange (light color)
CMYK:C0 M30 Y60 K0
RGB:R249 g 194 b 1 12
Apricot (innocent)
CMYK:C 10 M40 Y60 K0
RGB:R229 G 169 B 107
Camouflage sand beige (naive)
CMYK:C0 m 15y 15k 10
RGB:R236 G2 14 B202
Light Brown and Beige Beige Beige (Simple)
CMYK:C0 M 15 Y30 K 15
RGB:R227 G204 B 169
Pale color (mild)
CMYK:C20 M30 Y45
Camel color (simple)
CMYK:C 10 M40 Y60 K30
RGB:r 18 1g 134 B84
Cocoa Net-Brown (Classical)
CMYK:C50 M80 Y 100 K40
RGB:r 106g 5 1 b 2 1
Brown, brown (valium)
CMYK:C45 M75 Y 100 K40
RGB:r 1 13 G59 b 18
Coffee coffee (solid)
CMYK:C60 M70 Y 100 K25
RGB:R 106 G75 B35
Yellow yellow
Marigold (gorgeous)
CMYK:C0 M40 Y 100 K0
RGB:R247 G 17 1 B0
Chrome yellow chrome yellow (bright)
CMYK:C0 M20 Y 100 K0
RGB:R253 G208 B0
Jasmine Jasmine (soft)
CMYK:C0 M 15 Y60 K0
RGB:R254 G22 1 B 120
Pale yellow cream (fairy tale)
CMYK:C0 M 10 Y35 K0
RGB:R255 G234 B 180
Good-looking common background color RGB value 3 What should be the standard RGB of red and blue background of photos?
There are two common background colors for color ID photos: RGB and CMYK.
We usually use the default RGB mode for developing photography, and only the photo printing industry uses CMYK mode.
There is no strict and uniform requirement for the background color of the photo.
If it is a blue background, the color value can be set to: R:67 G: 142 B:2 19.
If a red background is used, the color value can be set to: R:255 G:0 B:0.
Blue background: used for graduation certificate, work permit, resume, etc. (blue values are: R:0 G: 19 1 B:243 or C:67 M:2 Y:0 K:0).
Red background: used for insurance, medical insurance, IC cards, temporary residence permits and wedding photos (red values are: R:255 G:0 B:0 or C:0 M:99 Y: 100 K:0).
White background: used for passport, visa, driver's license, ID card, second-generation ID card, driver's license, black and white certificate, medical insurance card, Hong Kong and Macao pass, etc.
Document shooting:
1, the best shooting time, the morning after enough sleep, or the afternoon after lunch break, full of energy and strong expression.
2. For those who wear glasses, please wipe the glasses and correct the level of the glasses frame. If conditions permit, you can bring a pair of glasses frames without lenses. When shooting, push the frame high and tight to prevent it from covering your eyes. It's best to use a mirror frame for those with deeper degrees, so as not to reflect light from the lens.
People with special health should bring their own clothes to avoid inconvenience.
4. Reduce drinking water the night before shooting to prevent bags under the eyes.
If you have special cosmetics, the makeup artist will use them as appropriate. You can bring your own makeup remover and skin care products, and remove heavy lime water in time, which plays an important role in protecting your skin.
6. For those who have special photo requirements, please explain to the staff before taking photos.