After the slave was killed, the slave in Huang Liu was killed in broad daylight and hid in Huang Liu's house, so officials could not catch him. When Huang went out to let the slaves follow him, Dong Xuan, the magistrate of Luoyang, waited in the mansion pavilion. When Huang Liu arrived, Dong Xuan stopped and knelt in front of the horse, holding a knife and gesticulating on the ground. He shouted that Huang Liu was wrong, reprimanded the slave and got off the bus, then killed the slave. Huang Liu immediately returned to the palace and told Guangwudi that Guangwudi was furious and told Dong Xuan to kill him with a stick. Dong Xuan kowtowed and said, "Please let me say a word before I die." Emperor Guangwu said, "What do you want to say?" Dong Xuan said, "Your Majesty's moral integrity revived the Han Dynasty, but let slaves kill ordinary people. How are you going to govern the world?" I don't need to wait for the employees to strike. Please allow me to kill myself. "Then my head hit the post and my face was bleeding. Guangwudi asked the little eunuch to hold Dong Xuan and make him kowtow to Huang Liu, but Dong Xuan refused. Guangwudi asked the little eunuch to force him to kowtow, but Dong Xuan refused to bow his head. Huang Liu said: "When Uncle Wen (the word of Emperor Guangwu) was a common people, officials were afraid to come to the door when he hid people who had escaped and committed capital crimes. Since I am the son of heaven, can't authoritarianism be used on a county magistrate? " Guangwudi smiled and said, "The son of heaven is different from ordinary people." Then he ordered the unyielding Dong Xuan to go out. Give him three hundred thousand dollars.
Shortly after the husband of Huang Liu, the wife of scum, died, Emperor Guangwu planned to find another husband for his sister Huang Liu, so he consulted with her ministers and watched her secretly. Huang Liu said: "Hong Song's appearance and morality are unmatched by other ministers." Guangwudi said, "I'll find a way." Later, Emperor Guangwu summoned Hong Song and asked Huang Liu to sit behind the screen, so he said to Hong Song, "As the saying goes, if you have a high position, you will change your friends, and if you have money at home, you will change your wife. Is this human nature? " Hong Song said: "I heard that friends in humble times should not be forgotten, and wives in distress should not be abandoned." Hearing this, Emperor Guangwu turned to Huang Liu behind the screen and said, "This is no good. This is the origin of the idiom "a scum's wife doesn't go to court".
After Hu Zhen died, Princess Populus euphratica became a widow. Coupled with Hong Song's refusal, Princess Huyang became a monk and converted to the door. She came to Fangcheng, northwest of the fief, to recite scriptures and fix the truth. "Lian Zhen Palace" Taoist Temple and Miyagi were built by Emperor Guangwu at this time for Princess Huyang to feel at ease in "Lian Zhen".
Family: Liu Qi, Emperor of the Western Han Dynasty.
The fifth ancestor: Liu Fa, Wang Ding, Changsha.
Grandpa Gao: Later, I was in the mausoleum.
Great-grandfather: Yulin satrap Liu Wei
Grandfather: Captain Liu Hui of Julu.
Father: Liu Qin, the county magistrate of Nanton.
Mother: Fan Xiandu (daughter of Fan Zhong)
Brothers, sisters and brothers
Liu T, (aka) Wang
Liu Zhong, King of Ai Lu
Guangwudi Liu xiu
younger sister
Xinye Princess Royal Liuyuan
Princess Ningping Royal Liu Boji
According to historical records, "The Book of the Later Han Dynasty, Volume 14, Biography of Four Kings and Three Princes of Imperial Clans, Fourth"
"Were" Volume 26 "Fu Hou Song Cai Zhaofeng Mou Weichuan" Volume 16
"Were seventy-seven," biographies of cruel officials "volume sixty-seven.
Historical evaluation of "Twenty-four Meanings": "Populus euphratica is a true confidant.
From the male perspective of China's history books, Huang Liu's image is overbearing and very "faceless". She was refused marriage and Hong Song became famous. Her slave was killed and Dong Xuan became famous. Her misfortune made two men live forever. Her true face and image, her true thoughts and feelings are completely blocked by history books. No one has ever stood in her position to think about it, thinking about how tragic her fate is. (xinhuanet)
Princess Huyang couldn't marry Hong Song, so she asked the emperor to repair the truth for her. Xiuzhen is located in Lian Zhen Palace in the north of Fangcheng County. Miyagi is square, with four sides 150m long and an area of 22,500 square meters. Miyagi is made of earth, with a residual height of 5-6m and a thickness of 2-3m. According to the inscription of "Restoration of the Palace of Truth" in the 12th year of Chenghua in Ming Dynasty, this place is also the place where Princess Huyang of the Eastern Han Dynasty cultivated truth.
Huyang Town, Princess Huyang's Tomb, southbound about 1 km. The two sides of the highway are two or three hundred meters apart, all three or four meters high, which is very big and conspicuous on the plain. These two tombs are the tombs of Princess Populus euphratica, one is a real tomb and the other is a fake tomb.