Starting: it will slip for a long time when starting, so it is easy to overtake when starting.
Control: The faster the vehicle speed, the more you hit the steering wheel, and the easier it is to hit. Acura 9 has many shortcomings of super-running. Generally speaking, the control is average.
Extreme speed: It can be said that you can drive more than 200KM at will, but you can run on the expressway at 300KM.
Carrera GT: The best car in Acura 9. Many people use it to make razors.
Starting: it starts very fast, although it will slip, but due to the performance of the car, it will soon return to normal.
Control: You can turn around when you meet a general curve, but brake slowly in a sharp curve. Overall, the control is better than Acura 9' s super run.
Speed: After modification, it can be said that the control is too fast-
Comprehensive comments: SLR horsepower is generally large, suitable for runway races and acceleration races. Carrera has a lot of horsepower. All competitions can be completed except the multi-curve competition.