research direction
Laser instrument engineering, photoelectric technology, optical communication and photoelectric measurement and control technology.
Major scientific research projects
A. digital design and manufacturing support and services
B. Study on overall scaling of gain volume of all-metal ring waveguide CO2 laser.
C. New automobile cooling system
D. experimental study on medical laser tooth cleaning
Published papers
Ring waveguide laser with beam converter China Laser, 2002, A29: 212-214.
Gigabit Ethernet: Review and Prospect Laser Journal, 2002,23 (1):11-13.
Ring waveguide laser with laser applied to solid beam output, 2002,22 (5): 481~ 482 (e10304 7337256).
Theory and application of fuzzy intelligent path planning control for visual mobile robot 2002,21(5): 25 ~ 28