When you contact the company, you must be polite and professional. You can simply ask whether your application has been processed and whether the company needs more information. You can ask the company's timetable so that you can make a decision. If you don't have connections, you can try to find employers in the company through social media platforms or LinkedIn to learn more.
Besides following up, you can take other measures to improve your chances of success. For example, you can try to communicate with the company online and establish contact. You can follow companies and hiring managers on LinkedIn and communicate with them. You can also conduct a self-assessment before the interview to ensure that your skills and experience match the job requirements. Finally, you can demonstrate excellent communication and interpersonal skills in the interview to show that you are a suitable candidate.
In short, it is very important to follow up after submitting your resume. By keeping in touch with the company, you can know the status of your application and learn more about future job opportunities. You can also take other measures to improve your chances of success and finally get your dream job.