Including: name, gender, age, working years, education, contact information.
If the degree is 985,211and other prestigious schools, you can write it in a more conspicuous position. If it is an ordinary school such as a junior college, you can write it in a less conspicuous place.
Resumes with 3~5 years of work are the most sought after. When writing your resume, try to work in this direction.
Second, work experience
Core: Write in flashback time
Company name, working hours, departments and job responsibilities;
Third, the project experience
Project introduction: briefly describe the project background and project service groups.
Main content: including the introduction of the functional modules you are responsible for, about 100-200 words. Briefly introduce the specific modules you made, so that the interviewer can ask questions.
Fourth, self-evaluation.
Strengthening product thinking: the ability to solve problems
Weakening tool use
Reflect the industry experience: familiar with the format and business model.
Reflect the strategic height
Resume length: 1-2 pages is preferred.