Huan Shiqian entered the West Gate of Jiankang, went straight to Fufu and Jiangdong, and crossed the river, among which Wang was the most prominent. Yun Kui, the son of Chi Jian, a famous minister in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, became famous for consulting with his brother-in-law Wang Xizhi and Gao Shi. After Emperor Xiaowu ascended the throne, a general of the town army was added to take charge of the military affairs in Wudong County, Zhejiang Province.
Huan Shiqian didn't go to worship him, but went to worship his son, Chi Chao, the guest of Kuaichaozi. He is rarely bold, well-known, talkative, implicit in righteousness, famous in Jiangdong, handsome for a while, and more famous than his father. Lixi believed in the Heaven of Stone, while Yun Chao worshiped Buddha and accumulated tens of millions of money. Chi Chao is lixi's favorite. One day, he opened the door of the vault and let Chi Chao use it at will. Chi Chao is charitable. He spent all his money in one day and gave it to his relatives and friends. He has always been single-minded.
Chi Chao joined the army for Huan Wen and was Huan Wen's most trusted counselor and closest friend. Huan Wen's heroic spirit is very high, and few people admire him, but he threw himself into his body, and his children in Huan Wen respected him even more. Xie An once had an allusion, which was enough to illustrate his close relationship with Huan. Previously, Huan Wen took advantage of the Jin-Jin Rebellion and led his troops into Jiankang, hoping to kill dissidents. He consulted with Chi Chao, made a list of people who should be removed from office, and wrote it into the paper. They slept together that night. The next morning, Huan Wen got up, called the king and Xie An of Fuzheng at that time, and threw the paper to them. At this time, Chi Chao was still in his tent. Xie An looked at it and said nothing. The king saw it and threw it back to Huan Wen, saying, "Duo!" Huan Wen picked up a pen to cut, KuaiChao couldn't help secretly talking to Huan Wen from the account. Xie An smiled and said, "Xi Sheng is a guest in the curtain!" Therefore, when Huan Shiqian returned to Beijing, the first thing he did was to visit this important guest of Huan's family.
Long Fu is located in the west of Jiankang City, and many vehicles are parked outside the gate. Drivers and people get together to chat and chat. More than a dozen servants in gorgeous clothes stood at the door. Huan Shiqian handed in a name thorn and asked, "Why is your government so busy today?" One of the leading servants, while looking at the famous thorn, said, "Alas, Master Xi and the Grand Duke are both ill. The Grand Duke is very ill, and the Master is worried and sick." Huan Shiqian heard that Xi was ill and could not leave him alone, so he went to visit Chi Chao. "I'm going to visit your master," he said. "Go one way."
Bypassing the zhaobi, there was a room full of people in the main room, in their seventies, with white hair and beard, lying on their backs and feeling their pulse. Huan Shiqian knows the doctor, who opened it by a famous doctor. Most people who visit under the bed also know each other. Among them are the Wang Xianzhi brothers. A closer look reveals that Wang Xianzhi, Wang Ningzhi, Wang Zhenzhi and Wang Cao are all here. If it weren't for Wang's current army in Huan Chong, the Wangs might gather here. I have to admire Chi Chao's fame, Wang Xianzhi brothers. They are all proud and untrained, and now they are clean. Don't say that Xi is their uncle. Even today's emperors, they wouldn't stand so humbly. Didn't you come to see me with Chi Chao's face? I heard a hoarse whisper: "I have a sudden abdominal pain recently, and all the doctors can't cure it." Don't know why? "
Wang Ningzhi said in the hall: "Uncle can spell, and he will be great in a short while!" Wang Ningzhi believed in Shi Tiandao, so he said so.
Xin Kaidao was also careful, but he shook his head and said, "I'm fine, but I'm not getting better!" " "
Wang Ningzhi replied, "I'm afraid I'm not loyal to Heaven."
He is laughing at the pulse-opening method: "No, what you are suffering from is precisely the result of too careful progress." The handwriting party pays the next person: "fill the medicine!" "
It seems that the medicine on his prescription is not difficult to find. After a while, the servant came over with the soup gate, fed it to Lou, and then leaned down. He only heard his stomach growling, so Xi Lu asked the servant to help him go to the toilet. Everyone speaks in a low voice and opens it easily and gracefully. After half a ring, Xi was slightly helped to the sofa. He looked at Fakaj in surprise and said, "My stomach pain seems to be much better. You are really a famous doctor. "
Fakaj said with a smile, "You have something in your stomach, and now it's discharged. Don't worry! " Everyone was surprised. After a while, the servant brought the plate, which was knocked over by Xi, and some papers as big as fists. The servant opened it, and it turned out to be the stone heaven curse he had used before.
They all laughed and left. Wang Xianzhi's brothers came to the hall, and they left without paying attention. Huan Shiqian didn't say hello to everyone, and went straight through Simon to Yimen. A child stopped him in front of the door and whispered, "A few people came to worship just now. My son said, but he didn't see anything."
Huan Shiqian chuckled, "Tell your son that Huan Shiqian of Jingzhou has something important to see."
Seeing that it was a guest from afar, the child didn't have much time to go in and report. He came out and said, "My son invites you in."
Huan Shiqian walked into the instrument door, and when he opened his eyes, he saw a yard with several principal rooms and cloisters, all small and chic, with pear blossoms, vines, bananas and bamboo. On entering the room, Chi Chao was wearing a wide gauze shirt with a white ribbon tied on his head, lying on the bamboo couch, his eyes closed, his face sallow, and his long beard on his forehead neatly arranged. There are all kinds of newspapers and documents piled up on the bedside table, and there is a box at the foot of the bed. A young man is reading a newspaper for him in a slow cadence. He stopped when he saw someone come in.
Huan Shiqian quietly looked at Chi Chao, who was pitifully thin and only had a beautiful moustache, as if telling the world about the wisdom and romance of this talented man in Jiangdong. Huan Shiqian couldn't help feeling pity. Xi Chao is high-spirited and boastful. It is also because of his heart disease that he has come this far.
Chi Chao has always been at odds with Xie An. Chi Chao thinks that his father, a son of a noble family, should be above Xie An, but Xie An has the right to control the mobile phone, so he is often domineering and generous, and Xie An hates it. The imperial court appointed Chi Chao as the regular servant of Sanshou, but failed to do so; I thought General Jia Xuanwei, the coastal governor, wouldn't worship. Make friends all day, just talk, just depressed, and finally get sick.
Huan Shiqian said cautiously, "Brother, you have been in Jiangzhou for two years. Why are you so haggard?" Chi Chao opened his eyes and looked at Huan Shiqian and said, "Sit down, Shiqian elder brother! Serve tea! " When the maid served tea, Chi Chao pointed to the young man's newspaper and pointed to Huan Shiqian. The man understood and handed him the file in his hand. Huan Shiqian is not in a hurry to see it. He said with concern, "Brother Xi, you are so ill that you don't work hard for your country."
Chi Chao took a heavy breath and said nothing. Huan Shiqian began to look at the bunker: it turned out that the servant who wrote the letter shot Xie Shi as a general, commander-in-chief and governor-in-chief. Xu Yanzhou, the secretariat of Xie Xuan, led the auxiliary general, the western corps commander Huan Yi, the general, Dai, Tao Yin and other 80,000 troops out of Guangling, the general Hu Bin led the navy into the Huaihe River, and 5,000 troops fought against Fujian.
After reading it, Huan Shiqian put the paper on the bed and looked sad. "The court has lost its mind, and Xie Shi is always insatiable. Can he fight besides holding money? " Chi Chao said with a smile, "Otherwise, Xie Baimian is just a puppet, and the real commander in chief is Xie Xuan. You see, 80,000 troops, Yanzhou, Yang, Xu and Qing soldiers are all assembled, and the imperial court has no soldiers in Jiangbei. The striker has the final say, and the supervisor is the whole team. Xie An was afraid that his nephew Xie Xuan was young, and they refused to accept him, so they gave Xie Baimian a nominal chief. Huan Shiqian knew that Chi Chao and Xie Xuan were both Sima of their father Huan Huo, and they never lived in peace. They said, "Xie Xuan's junior has little experience in fighting, and Xie Anchun is a blind commander. "
Chi Chao sighed, "you don't know Xie Xuan, Xie An above the court, against the will, reuse his nephew Xie Xuan. At that time, I said, "It is obvious that Xie An despises the public and raises relatives! Xie Xuan won't touch anything, just pay it back! Many people don't believe it. Although Xie Xuan and I are not good because of the discord between the two families, we both work in your father's Huan Gong Fu. I am well aware of his talent, and Xie Xuan is resourceful. Although Zhou Lang is near-re-embodiment, nothing more! " With that, he looked at Huan Shiqian and said slowly, "Is Governor Huan worried about the court again? "
Huan Shiqian smiled and said, "You can't hide anything from Brother Xi. My uncle learned that the side road was attacking Huainan, and he was afraid that Xie An and others would not be able to hold on. He specially asked me to lead 3,000 elite guards to the capital. "
Chi Chao sighed and said simply, "Your seventh uncle is selfless. Xie An just grabbed his weakness and forced him again. " Chi Chao took a deep breath and sneered: "Finally, the situation that your uncle Huan Xuan worked so hard to create has become like this. He is sticking his hot face on someone else's cold ass, and Xie An may not lead him to feel this way. "
"Can't you? And the 3,000 troops I brought with me are battle-hardened and the elite of Jingzhou soldiers. Will he not need them? "
Chi Chao shook his head: "Brother Shi Qian, Xie An is wily. Huainan really lost. What's the use of your 3,000-strong army?" It will only drag the emperor to Jingzhou. Besides, as soon as you Jingzhou soldiers entered the city, they caused a lot of publicity and panic, which is not in line with our habit of thanking Stuart for smiling without saying a word. "
Chi Chao stared at Huan Shiqian, who looked unconvinced, and said, "However, you still have to see him. Not much to say. The hatred between Xie Huan and his family is your strength. " Chi Chao said a lot in one breath, obviously tired, and kept coughing. Eyes stay on the big box at the foot of the bed, it was his correspondence with Huan Wen. The heroism that guided the country in those days is gone now. He had long wanted to destroy the box, but he was afraid that his old father would be too sad after his death, so he stayed until now. Lixi was loyal to the stone all his life. If he knew the important events that he and Huan Wen had been thinking privately, he wouldn't be sad for his death.
Chi Chao called the students to his side and said, "I'm afraid I can't. Father is old, so-called white-haired people send black-haired people. If I die, if my father is too sad to eat or sleep, you can give him this box. If it's not so serious, the box will burn. " Say that finish, tears streaming down her face. Huanshi modest and this protege couldn't help crying. Huan Shi Qian walked out of Xi Fu, thinking about the benefits of Chi Chao to Huan Shi, with a heavy heart. I wish life is short. I was in my prime, and now I am sick in bed. Fortunately!
Huan Shiqian went out of the house and walked along the east side of Qinhuai River. Pears on both sides of the strait are like snow, green grass is like smoke, and restaurants, teahouses and plastic surgery buildings abound. All kinds of vendors' snacks are far away, with no end in sight. The crowd was bustling and noisy, peddling high and low:
"Rice noodles, top fresh rice noodles!"
"Tofu brain, three pence a bowl."
"Scallion cake, come and buy it!"
"Pot paste jiaozi, come and try it!"
"steamed stuffed bun! Vegetarian steamed buns! Just out of the pot! "
On the Qinhuai River, floats are staggered, drums are beating, beautiful women come and go on the floats, and the beauty shadow is the narrowest in the makeup building. See huan shiqian's eyes are straight, straight sprinkle, net pick graceful beauty. Huan Shiqian was also a little surprised. It has been four years since he left Beijing, but the capital has become so prosperous. Xie An really has a way. What is even more unexpected is that Jingzhou is now under attack between Scylla and Charybdis, while the capital is like nothing, with a hint of war.
From a distance, Wuyi Lane is deep, with high doors, carved beams and painted buildings, swaying trees and swallows flying obliquely. Wuyi Lane was the residence of Soochow Imperial Army during the Three Kingdoms period. At that time, the imperial army was dressed in black uniforms, so it was commonly known as Wuyi Lane. Since crossing the river, many clubs, such as Wang Langya and Xie Chenjun, have lived in Wuyi Lane.
Huan Shiqian sighed: "There is Wang Dao in front of Wuyi Lane, followed by Xie An, each leading the coquettish and elegant place, ranking first in Jiangzuo!" Sigh, has reached the door of Fu Xie, the door stood a few pages with fine features, unique clothes, there is a beautiful and free from vulgarity. When an elderly attendant met the guest, he greeted him with a smile and said, "My Lord, Xie Gong is not in the mansion. Today, you are the 24th guest! "
Looking up at the big plaque at the main entrance, Huan Shiqian wrote the word "Fu Xie" and said quietly, "I am the governor of our time, the governor of Jingjiang, the governor of seven states, the governor of Jingzhou, and the governor of Huanche. General Huan Shiqian, the champion, has important military affairs to thank Stuart. " Everyone on the door was moved and looked at Huan Shiqian with their eyes. One is Huan Chong, who is on a par with Xie An in the imperial court, and the other is a young man with a thin waist and a proud face. He is an Iliad who moved the river, captured Fu Jian, the prefect of Xiangyang, and beheaded 7,000 and captured 10,000 prisoners. what do you think? Not as fierce as the legend. The commander bowed quickly and said, "Hey, this is General Huan, forgive me! Forgive me! Xie Gong visited Dongshan, but he didn't see any guests. Today, since the champion of Huan has arrived and has important military affairs, I will let the villain lead the general to find him. "
The mountains and rivers in the suburbs of Jiankang were mostly dried up by famous families, but they invaded each other. A mountain ridge in the eastern suburb is Xie's property. From a distance, buildings and museums are hidden in a large green forest and bamboo. Huan Shiqian, led by a long entourage, abandoned his horse and climbed the mountain, winding up the mountain along the path paved with rain flowers and stones.
Before I got to the villa, I heard the sound of bamboo, and the sound of harp, harp and clarinet ensemble was like the sound of nature, melodious and moving. Xie Anya is famous for her good music. Since the death of his younger brother Xie Wan, Xie An once stopped listening to music for ten years. Since then, he can't live without silk and bamboo, and he never wastes his time in sorrow and music. Jiang Zuo's clothes are effective and he has become a custom. Huan Shi said sincerely, "Fu Jian Enemy at the Gates, there are orchestral performances here. It is really a good state. "
Climbing halfway up the mountain, I was suddenly enlightened, and the mountain was covered with carpets. Everyone is sitting next to Xi Jinyin, and the fruit is complete. Huan Shiqian saw that it was all Gu Jie's relatives and friends. Most of them know him, including Xie Yao and Xie Yan, Xie An's sons Xie Zhao, Xie Jun and Xie Hun, Xie An's nephews Xie Xuan, Xie Quan and Xie Jing, Xie An's younger brother Xie Shi, the rest Xie Chong and Xie Chong, and Xie An's nephew Yang Tan.
Sitting in the middle is Xie An. Xie An is 64 years old, wearing big sleeves and a white marble ribbon. A head of white hair is wrapped in the crown of the beam, three strands of gray beard are fluttering in the wind, the corners of the mouth and forehead are covered with thin crow's feet, the cheeks are rosy, and the eyebrows are distinct. Forehand according to the case a few, eyes closed, listen carefully.
Everyone in the seat has a different posture. It seems that Xie Xuan is impatient and has been moving, with no intention of listening to music. Xie Xuan, no doubt of his age, is handsome and tall, with a square face, angular facial features, delicate eyes and clear spirit. Looking around, I seem to be looking for someone and thinking about something.
Xie Xuan was a famous soldier in Jin Dynasty. Three years ago, Peng Chao, the general of Qin, captured Pengcheng, but it was very difficult. Mao led Qin Jun to take Huaiyin with 60,000 yuan, captured Xuyi, and was surrounded by three places, only a hundred miles away from Guangling, and the court shook. The fledgling Xie Xuan led the northern government soldiers to rescue San 'a from Guangling, defeated Qin Jun at the gate, then invaded in a big way, attacked Huaiyin at night, fought Qin Jun in Junchuan, defeated Qin Jun, and Peng Chao committed suicide, but suffered from being knighted by Fu Jian. Within a month, Xie Xuan led the northern government soldiers to win more with less, and Qin Jun was defeated by four wins in four wars. He won a great reputation and was named the champion general.
The other is Xie Shi, who is shaking his head. Xie Shi is also in his fifties. He is short and fat, and his face is big and white. It is said that it is the mark left by the trauma on his face in his early years and after he was cured. Many people call him "Xie Baimian" behind his back.
At the end of the song, Xie An opened his eyes with a half ring, and his eyes were streaming. He said to Xie Xuan: "There is a degree!" Xie Xuan holder stood up. "My nephew is here!"
Xie An turned to a bamboo forest in the distance and said slowly, "This place is very good. I built a new villa in Tu Shan, no less than here. How about you play a game with my uncle today and bet on this villa? "
Hearing this, everyone was amazed. Although this villa in Xie Xuan is magnificent and remote, it is a villa built by Xie Anxin on a heaped-up mountain, covering an area of dozens of hectares. At that time, the buildings, forests and bamboos, stone pavilions and pavilions were all beautiful, and at that time, they also paid for a game. Everyone was so excited that Gu Jie's children began to whisper to each other.
Xie Xuan absent-minded, with the corner of his eye glanced at fellow Jinning Hou Zhangxuan. Zhang Xuan's talent is outstanding, and he and Xie Xuan are also called "the North-South Two Mysteries", which is remarkable in the contemporary world. Zhang Xuan stood up, held out her hand and said, "Thank you, you came to the North today. This is a huge, self-proclaimed one million. The emperor took the overall situation as a thank you, thanked the servants for shooting holidays, and thanked the champion for supervising the front. I wonder what Xie Gong has to do? "
Xie An said unhurriedly, "Don't let Lu ruin the spirit of gentlemen at today's party. Playing chess for the time being, Lu has another purpose. " In the blink of an eye, I saw Huan Shiqian and smiled and waved. "My nephew huan not far from Wan Li to the capital. I don't want two champion generals at the same time. Come, you and Xie will plunder this array in Wang Ding. "Everyone was surprised to find Huan Shiqian. At present, the enemy is at present. How did this Jingzhou star come to Beijing? Seeing Xie An, they all dare not speak.
Huan Shiqian came forward to salute: "Finally, Huan Shiqian met Lord Stuart."
Xie An laughed it off. The servants played chess, and Xie Hun, the grandson of Xie An, and other children gathered around. Xie An's chess skills are not as good as Xie Xuan's, and Xie Xuan is a famous national chess player. Up and down in the state of Jin, there are not many people who are better than Xie Xuan in chess. Xie An takes the lead in black, and Xie An plays chess with dignified style and moves step by step. Xie Xuan plays chess casually and throws it casually. Black and white situation, immediately stood up to now, white is dominant. Xie Xuan was in a myriad of emotions at this time, thinking about the burden he shouldered and the million-strong army in Fujian. He was afraid that if he was not careful, the glory of Guowei Junen and Xie Gu would be ruined in his Xie Xuan hands, leaving a fine layer of sweat on his forehead.
Xie Shi bent over to watch the battle. When he saw it, he laughed: "Young, the situation is dominant. Why are you so nervous? " I think I'm afraid of losing the villa! "
Xie Xuan saw that Xie An had a calm face and a serene attitude, so he relented and watched the chess game again. Xie An sacrificed his children to rob, and Xie Xuan responded immediately. Who knows that Xie An is an empty trick, and the robbery is not great. Xie Xuan didn't think deeply, and Xie An came to life completely at once. Xie Xuan no longer continued to fight, and in less than half an hour, he was out of the water.
Xie Xuan smiled apologetically: "My uncle's chess skills are getting better and better, but my nephew is no match!" Xie Shi beside a face of apology, as if it were him.
Like losing his house, he stamped his foot: "What a pity! Unfortunately! "
Xie An stood up, stretched out his arm, touched his gray beard and shouted, "Yang Tan!" " "
A white-faced middle-aged man in his thirties replied, "What does my uncle want?"
Xie An said slowly, "This villa is yours."
Sheep haze jubilant, rushed tunnel "thank you uncle! Uncle Xie! " He turned around and smiled at Xie Xuan: "Brother Youdu, thank you, thank you!"
Xie Xuan looked at the sheep's face and smiled beautifully. In his mind, it was still Huainan, where the river network was vertical and horizontal and the mountains were opposite. Xie An looked up at the sky. The sun shines all over the sky. Seeing that the sun is about to set, Xie An seems to be in high spirits. He said slowly, "Ladies and gentlemen, it's still early. How about going to the river with me? "
Nuo Nuo promised everything and went down the mountain with Xie An. Xie An glanced at catching up with Huan Shiqian. Xie An thoughtfully strolled down the hill. Huan Shi modest Xie Xuan followed, and Xie Xuan hesitated several times before reaching the foot of the mountain. Xie An carefully said to Huan Shiqian, "The imperial court has decided to dispatch troops, and all counties in Jingzhou are in urgent need, and there is no shortage of armor. Reply to the car ride, be careful to stay in Xifan! "
Huan Shiqian secretly admired Chi Chao's knowledge, which turned out to be so accurate. At present, he politely said goodbye and returned to Shangming with 3000 elites, telling the whole story. Huan Chong was furious. After a long time, he calmed down He looked around and sighed, "Xie An is as big as a temple, but he doesn't know what to do. Now that the enemy has come, he is still in the mood to play and talk. He only sent some young people who had never fought to resist the enemy. With few troops, the end of the world is predictable. We will be left behind! "
As soon as the words sound just fell, the reconnaissance cavalry reported that the vanguard of Furong was stationed in Xiangcheng, and Mu Rongchui led thirty thousand cavalry south, which seemed to be moving in the direction of Jingzhou, while the rest of the main forces were moving eastward.
Huan Chong suddenly rushed to the front of the map, pointed at the map, turned around, looked gloomy and scary, and murmured, "Zhu Xu's information is true, and the side road will hit Huainan! Mu Rongchui south, is bound to take meteorite city, resistance I aid huainan. Avoiding reality is empty, leaving me with more than 100,000 troops is useless. "
Huan Chong said, "I just feel a wall in my heart. I put my hand on my chest and kept coughing. Huan Chong was ill, but today he got angry one after another, which touched the sick spirit.
Huan Xuan stood up and said slowly, "Uncle, don't worry. In this case, why don't we take Jingzhou's army to the fallen city, defeat Mu Rongchui, and then move eastward and attack Huainan Army from east to west, which will surely break the thief. "
Huan Chong one leng, frowning meditation, consult the army Yang Liang to the 18-year-old little the duke's opinion, no official barge way:
"Huan little male, what you said is reasonable, but if I light out, it is difficult to compete with Mu Rongchui. If I leave, the Shu soldiers will go downstream. If Jingzhou is lost, even Jiankang will be hard to protect. "
Huan Xuan stare big eyes, looking at Yang Liang, said: "Otherwise, Zhongshu Navy has only been built for one year, and its scale, organizational system and sailor training are difficult to compete with my Jingzhou Navy. There are many people, but there is nothing they can do. I'm afraid even Badong can't pass. How can you talk about health? Let's learn something about Jiangling from the shipmaster. If the enemy is lucky enough to get past Badong, he will be exhausted, and we will beat him to death. Our main infantry should save Yuncheng and fight Mu Rongchui! "
"Yes!" Huan Shiqian said loudly, "Uncle, Brother Lingbao is right. He's not Mu Rongchui. What are you afraid of him? "
Huan Chong is sitting in a handsome chair at this time, meditating on his back. He is not afraid of Yao Chang's Bashu water army. He was confident in his navy and wanted to fight Fujian on the great river, but his wishful thinking failed. Speaking of land war, he was really afraid of Mu Rongchui. In those days, I followed my brother Huan Wen in the northern expedition to Yan State and won several battles. He refused to fight Mu Rongchui. In World War I, 8 Jin Army was defeated and 30,000 soldiers were beheaded. He crawled out of death. This was the only defeat Huan Wen had ever fought in his life, and he deeply regretted it. So far, Huan Chong is concerned. Huan Chong thought for a long time, straightened up, and said to Yang Liang, who joined the army, "You give orders to Huan to keep a close watch on the troops at the gorge and don't make a move. Then order the whole army to cross the river and enter Jiangling. "
Huan Chong's army crossed the great river to the north and returned to Jiangling. I don't want to be worth the autumn rain again. It has been raining cats and dogs for several days, and the Terracotta Warriors can't practice. Huan Chong was particularly depressed and walked around the house. The sky is gloomy, and the autumn wind is floating in the air with raindrops. Huan Chong was wearing hemp fiber, hat and boots, banging on the muddy road in the inlet. Three years after the fall of Xiangyang and Taiyuan, and after Huan Chong moved to Shangming, many residents moved to the south of the Yangtze River, and the population in the huge Jiangling city was small. Soldiers happened to live in an abandoned old house. The streets were full of idle Jingzhou soldiers. They got together to talk about Hu Kan and curse the weather.
Huan Chong walked slowly with his hands behind his back in the rain when he suddenly heard a cry. Looking from a distance, an old empty house, half of the walls collapsed and the door was wide open, surrounded by a group of soldiers, crying from there. Huan rushed in. It turned out to be a dead charger and a white horse. A young soldier squatted in front of the horse and cried his eyes red and swollen. "What's the matter? Why are you crying? " Huan Chong was a little upset, and even less upset when he heard crying. When all the soldiers saw it, a group of guards and soldiers surrounded an old man in his fifties. Knowing that this person has a wide network of contacts, he is scattered on both sides. The crying child wiped his tears, gave a military-like salute, and choked: "The little white rabbit died of illness, and my heart was so sad, so ..." Huan Chong understood that the white rabbit he was talking about was the name of this white horse, and felt that the child was really funny. Lu Bu's BMW in the Three Kingdoms was called Red Rabbit, so he named his horse White Rabbit, only to hear the child whimper: "This is BMW, which fought in the South last time. As he spoke, tears kept flowing downwards.
Huan Chong has a heavy heart. Qin Jin and China have been fighting for eight years in Mianshui and Hanshui river basins, resulting in floods, droughts, famines and rampant epidemics in Jingzhou. Don't talk about horses, people will die. Huan Chong caressed the child's wet hair and said, "Your father is an excellent knight in our family, and you will become a brave warrior. Don't cry. Turn around and our governor will give you another horse. " I turned my head and asked the waiter, "Where is the king?"
The word Wang, once rode in the general's office and joined the army. Zheng Zhi, the king of halls, is the third son of Wang Xizhi and the grand nephew of Wang Dao.
The waiter replied, "Wang has not been to the yamen for deliberation for many days."
Huan Chong looked unhappy and said, "Take me to find it!"
Wang's new house is in the east of the city. After a long walk, he finally found it. Blue brick houses, white walls and tiles, a row of green willows caged in misty rain, and a tunnel paved with stones leads to the yard. Huan stepped into the courtyard and saw a busy band. Wang Zheng stood under the dripping eaves, and behind him stood a waiter with a tall oil umbrella in his hand.
Wang is in his forties, white, with clear eyes and a black beard. He didn't wear a crown hat, his hair was fluffy, his hair was tilted, his hair was blue satin wide, and his emerald belt hung at his sides. When he saw Huan Chong coming in, he said with a smile, "How can Huan Gong find time to come to me?"
Huan Chong didn't see this. A large bamboo forest was newly planted in the yard. It turned out that a group of people were busy planting bamboo. Huan Chong said, "What are you doing? Don't we want to stay here for a long time? "
Wang only chanted, "Look at him welcoming the Olympics, bamboo is stubborn. There are bandits and gentlemen, such as cutting like begging, such as cutting like grinding. " Pointing at the green bamboo, he said, "How can there be no such evil for a day!" "
Huan asked breathlessly, "Which yamen are you in?" Wang said to him, "I don't know what this plan is, but people often lead horses, Cao." On reflection, Huan Chong thought I didn't know you were in charge of horses and asked, "How many horses?" The king replied, "I never ask about horses. How do I know the number? " Huan Chong was furious and snapped, "Do you know how many horses have died recently?" Wang calmly replied: "If you don't know life, how can you know death!"
Huan Chong's fire suddenly rushed to his forehead, turned a circle in situ, and was about to attack when his eyes flashed with dripping bamboo, forcing himself to hold back his anger. In Jiangdong, although the younger brother of the Huan family is tall, the first aristocratic gentry is the king. Huan Wen, relying on the military, monopolized the power and suppressed all the doors, which made the Huan family rank among the first-class gentry, but still could not surpass the Wangs. Huan Chong is not qualified to get angry with Wang's middleman. Besides, what's polite for you to be angry at this time?
Seeing that the rain was still sparse, I saw my carriage coming outside the courtyard in the blink of an eye. I stubbornly left a sentence, "The government is discussing!" So I left with my hands. Out of the gate, on the carriage. Seeing Wang Xubu following him, he squeezed into the car and said, "Duke Huan has to ride alone. It's slippery on rainy days, so it's inconvenient to ride." Huan Chong is in distress situation. He turned his head and looked at the autumn wind and autumn rain outside the window, but ignored him. Wang also shrugged off, singing alone.
The rain gradually stopped, and Huan Chong was in a much better mood. He said to Wang Huizhi, "You have been in my house for a long time. You should do more things." Wang Huizhi was silent and looked up at the sky through the window, but when he saw the blue sky, he put his hand on his cheek and said, "It's refreshing to see the western hills coming." Huan Chong was silent.
Huan Chong returned to Shuaifu, took off his wet clothes, took a bath, stretched himself out and relaxed his mood. The maid took a brand-new suit and asked him to change it. Huan Chong was furious and said to the maid, "Take it back! Take it back! " The maid also knew that Huan Chong didn't like to wear new clothes, but it was chosen by Mrs. Huan Chong herself and given to her. Seeing that Huan Chong was angry, she had to take it back. After a while, Mrs. Huan personally held a new dress and handed it to Huan Chong, saying, "Huan, if the dress is not new, how can it be old?" Huan Chong turned anger into joy, and Mrs. Huan personally waited on him to dress and tie.
Huan Chong got dressed and hurried to the front office to discuss. Huan sent messengers to report that the cavalry was close to Yuncheng. Huan Chong immediately left the Ministry, led the navy to Jiangling, rode his own horse, and looked forward to Yuncheng. On the way, news came that Mu Rongchui had successfully breached Yuncheng, and Huan Chong withdrew and watched in Tianmen.