In the Ming Dynasty, Confucian scholar Xue Guang went to Zhenjiang to do business. There are a wife Zhang, a concubine Liu and a concubine Wang at home. Liu gave birth to a son, and the baby's name depends on his brother. Another old servant, Xue Bao. Xue Guang is in Zhenjiang. When you meet a fellow countryman, please take it home with 500 taels of platinum.
I never thought that this man was greedy for platinum, bought an empty coffin and put it in the wild, falsely claiming that it was Xue Guang's coffin, and went back to his hometown to pay homage. Zhang and others wept bitterly and sent Xue Bao to transport the coffin back for burial. Later, when the family came down, Zhang and Liu remarried. The third mother, Wang, was so contemptuous that she vowed to work hard with her servant, Xue Bao, to raise her younger brother and send him to school, while she changed her ration by knitting.
Brother Yi was bullied by his classmates at school. He is a motherless son, so he went home angrily. He refused to admit that San Niang was his mother. His words collided, and San Niang was furious. He took a knife and cut off the machine cloth to show his determination. Fortunately, Xuebao sincerely advised the mother and son to make up. After the decline of commerce in Zhenjiang, Xue Guang abandoned commerce to join the army and became an official in the Ministry of War. Ten years later, Xue became the champion of the new subject.
Later, the father and son recognized the family reunion and accompanied each other back to their hometown. At this time, my aunt and mother abandoned their homes to recognize their husbands and children, and Sanniang advised Zhang and Liu to go home and take care of their wives and children now. And tell them: if you want to taste melon, plant it yourself, plant bitter gourd yourself and taste it yourself.
Extended data:
A brief study on the origin of San Niang jiao zi;
The adopted sons of these three mothers are also called the letters patent of Wang Chune and two officials. The story originally came from Li Yu's mime and other novels, which is a fact. Many kinds of plays have performances of this play.
The drama Godson has a slightly different genre, but the theme and structure are almost the same, and it is also widely circulated. Mei Lanfang, Shang Xiaoyun, Wang Yurong, Zhang Junqiu and other famous Peking Opera artists have all performed the whole book, and "Three Mothers and Godsons" is their specialty.
The singer of this play has a heavy workload. In addition to Huang Er's vocals, there are Xipi, Anti-Xipi, Nanbangzi and other vocals before and after it.
Baidu Encyclopedia-San Niang Godson?
Baidu Encyclopedia-Shaanxi Opera