The Eight Immortals King is one of the more talented sons of Kangxi. He has skills and strategies, and he has established good relations in North Korea. The minister of the DPRK and even the foreign minister said that he had a prince. Later, his popularity was suspected by Emperor Kangxi and he was kicked out of the Prince. Yongzheng became emperor because of his perseverance.
After Yong Zhengdi ascended the throne, he attacked and killed other cronies of the Eight Immortals, but he courted the Eight Immortals and made him the prime minister king. However, the Eight Immortals were unwilling to fail and wanted to return to the discussion stage of the Eight Immortals in the early Daikin period in an attempt to crowd out the imperial power. Of course, this is unbearable for centralized Yong Zhengdi. While reusing the Eight Immortals, Yong Zhengdi also found fault with him from time to time, always deliberately punishing him with some small mistakes.
After Yong Zhengdi ascended the throne, he began to operate on the Eight Immortals, confiscated his property and was banned for life. Later, Yong Zhengdi ordered it to be renamed Akina, meaning "Manchu pig" and "annoying".