Source: Historical Records Confucius Family Cao
Full text: "Confucius learned the drum piano from Xiangzi, and stayed away for ten days." Shi Xiangzi said,' It can be beneficial.' Confucius said:' Qiu learned his songs, but not much. At one time, he said,' I have learned its numbers and I can benefit from them.' Confucius said,' Autumn has not achieved its ambition. Sometimes, he said, "I have learned my ambition and I can benefit from it." Confucius said:' autumn has not won people. Sometimes, I deeply think of Mu Ran, and I feel happy and expecting. Yue:' Qiu is a man, dark, but a few days long, with eyes like sheep, like the king of the four countries, who can do without a king of letters! Shi Xiangzi gave up a seat, bowed again and said, "So is Master Gaiyun's king. "Biography of Korean Poetry, Volume 5": "Confucius learned Cao Guqin without advancing. Shi Xiangzi said,' Master can enter.' Confucius said, "Autumn has its songs, but there are no numbers." There is a room that says' Master can enter'. Yue: "Autumn can get its number, but not its meaning." Once, he replied, "The master can come in." Yue:' Autumn gets its meaning, but not its person. Once, he replied,' The master can go in. Yue: "Autumn has its own people, but there is no such thing. There was a time when he said,' If you look at it from a distance, you will enjoy it. It's dark, but it's a few days long. Is the king of the world, the king of the dynasty, but the king of literature! "Shi Xiangzi left the table and said," Good! The teacher thought that Wen Wang' s exercise was also. " Therefore, Confucius holds the voice of King Wen and knows Wang Weiren. Shi Xiangzi asked,' How do you know what King Wen did?' Confucius said:' Of course, the benevolent is great, the harmonious is good powder, the knowledgeable is fun, and the diligent is beautiful. Some of them know the practice of the king of literature. ”"
Confucius studied piano with Shi Xiangzi. After Xiangzi's teacher taught him a piece of music, he played it every day and didn't feel bored at all. His technique gradually changed from unfamiliar to skilled. Ten days later, Shi Xiangzi said to him, "You have played this song very well, so you can learn a new one!" " "Confucius stood up and said respectfully," Although I learned the music score, I haven't learned the playing skills yet! "After many days, Shi Xiangzi felt that Confucius' technique had become very proficient, and the music was played more harmoniously and sweetly. He said," You have mastered the playing skills, so you can learn a new piece! " Confucius said: "although I have mastered the playing skills, I have not mastered the thoughts and feelings of this piece!" " "Many days later, Shi Xiangzi came to Confucius' house to listen to him play the piano and was fascinated by his exquisite performance. At the end of the song, Shi Xiangzi gave a long sigh and said, "You have understood the thoughts and feelings of this song, so you can learn another one!" "Confucius still said," although I play a little like this, I haven't realized what a composer is! ""Many days later, Confucius invited Shi Xiangzi to listen to the piano. At the end of the song, Shi Xiangzi asked with emotion, "Do you already know who the composer is?" Confucius said excitedly, "Yes! This man's burly figure, dark face, eyes looking up at the sky, bent on influencing all directions. Is he Zhou Wenwang? " Shi Xiangzi was surprised and admired, and said excitedly, "You are right! My teacher once told me that this song is called "Wang Wencao". You can never get tired of learning to reach such a high level! "
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