But don't lose heart, at least you have entered the company's talent pool, because downloading resumes under Zhilian costs money, so the company's human resources generally don't download resumes for no reason. Only when some aspects of you interest him, or meet the requirements of certain positions in the company, will you check and download your resume.
In addition, it is impossible for human resources to read all resumes submitted to the company every day. To a large extent, he is eliminating, that is, eliminating inappropriate resumes and keeping only available or optional resumes. Then your resume may also be in the eliminated part, so even if it is reviewed, there will be no interview opportunity.
So my advice to you is that you should look for a job and don't be affected. If you meet the requirements, the human resources department will contact you. If he doesn't contact you, don't just wait to find another job. There is always a job for you!