はの Male date of birth1986.11.08
Dalian nationality, Han political commissar.
The contact number shows that the undergraduate is in good health.
Japanese+ソフトェ?, Graduate School of E-mail, Dalian Jiaotong University? ェンジニビリングの??.
The main courses are C language, JAVA, データベース, JSP, ソフトェビ? ェンジニァリング, ソフトェヒミド 12523ル "
はフんで in Japan, の in Japan, など in Japan.
Japanese is used for stunts, tricks, tricks and everyday conversations.
English はフみきのレベルがだとぃてぃててす.
Self-evaluation, good communication skills, cooperation, spirit and things.
Social practice, assumptions, suppliers and promotion.
Dalian gangshengsheng technology co., ltd.
Job hunting するソフトェビプログラグしししし.
The most basic things, official things, beginning, hope and self-division are the only way to know what to do.
At the same time, the body is forged, the consciousness is divided and the consciousness is high.
+cents, turn it over.