Pronunciation is /rzju? M/ Emphasize the second syllable, which is the sound of' zju'. This pronunciation is common in Britain and Australia, and it is also considered as a more formal pronunciation. The pronunciation is/? r? z? Me? /,emphasizing the first syllable, namely' r?' Sound. This pronunciation is common in the United States and Canada, and it is also considered as a more colloquial pronunciation. Although there are differences between these two pronunciations, they are both acceptable and will not affect understanding and communication. When writing a resume, we can choose a pronunciation method according to our own habits and needs, but we need to maintain consistency and avoid using two different pronunciation methods in the same resume.
With resume, you can make a sentence like this: For example, in this case, your blog is for your work. In this sense, your blog has essentially become a summary or folder of your work. For example: bringyourmonthlyresumetoourboss Show your monthly summary to your boss. For example: DoIneedtopreparearesume? Do I need to prepare a resume?
Parents always care about their children. Children get progress and help at school. As parents, they are very grateful for the training of the school