Although you are visiting a person, you should show the same respect, sincerity and friendliness to his family, which will make the host very happy. According to the generation and temperament of the host family, give them proper names in good faith and talk to them properly, and you will win their appreciation and the dark praise of the host family. If it is a short visit, please greet the host and his relatives and friends present at the first time. If it's a small stay, if time and environment allow, the old people like to play chess, then let's discuss it; Children like games, so they might as well take part. If a friend's house is quiet, just say hello politely, and try not to affect their life rules when getting along with friends.
You like green tea, and the host family only has coffee, so make do with it; If you are a smoker and your host doesn't smoke, you'd better not smoke. When you are a guest, if the host asks you to stay for dinner, you must pay attention to etiquette and the host's habits. If you have any dietary taboos, try to bring them up. If the host has a diet taboo, don't make it. During the visit, don't be picky about food and waste when eating, and don't ask for extra meals. Even if you drink too much, don't indulge in drinking at the host's table. Once drunk, it will bring a lot of unexpected embarrassment to both the host and the guest. When a guest is dining, even if you really don't want to eat a dish, don't say it and don't show it on your face. If the host asks "why don't you eat this dish", you can leave it alone. You can say, "I'm full, thank you."
Cheng Xiao and Zhu Xiao have been good friends for many years. They work and live in different cities. Once, Cheng Xiao passed by the city of Zhu Xiao on business. After finishing the business, Cheng Xiao was invited to Zhu Xiao's house for a few days. When they met, Cheng Xiao first gave Zhu Xiao a big hug, then casually kicked his leather shoes on the living room floor, walked around every room in Zhu Xiao slippers, and made a "tut-tut" sound while visiting. This kind of carelessness is like living in the same dormitory style. Due to years of friendship, Zhu Xiao didn't show any unhappiness. Zhu Xiao's wife prepared a big dinner for them when she came home from work. Cheng Xiao even praised Zhu Xiao's wife for her beauty, which is better than the school flowers that Zhu Xiao chased. Zhu Xiao and his wife are embarrassed. After dinner, Cheng Xiao had a long talk with Zhu Xiao and talked with Zhu Xiao until dawn. Cheng Xiao lived in Zhu Xiao's house for five days. He went through Zhu Xiao's newspapers and magazines everywhere. After Cheng Xiao left, Zhu Xiao's wife scolded Zhu Xiao for making friends, and Zhu Xiao's image as a good friend was greatly reduced.
How would you feel if you received an old friend of this style? I am afraid it is more annoying than the joy of reunion!
Don't move without talking about "indecent assault" During the visit, don't mention topics that the host doesn't want to talk about. You know, but don't mention the past that is bad for the host. Don't make too many jokes, or you will leave an impression of being uneducated.
In a friend's house, no matter how close your relationship is, don't bring the communist concept of the dormitory as a student, don't tamper with the owner's things without permission, and don't wander around the room. Don't touch anything in the room without the owner's permission. If the guest who arrived earlier than you leaves, you should also stand up with the host to see him off.