Established the queen, Qi Xiang Wang succeeded to the throne, and Taishiliao's daughter was established as the queen, known as the queen in history. Tai Shidong said: "My daughter married herself because of the introduction of the matchmaker, and she was not worthy to be my daughter, which tarnished the reputation of my ancestors." So, after not seeing the king for life. The queen is very virtuous and won't lose the etiquette of being a child because her father doesn't look at herself. In 280 BC (the fourth year of King Qixiang), King Qi later gave birth to his son Tian Jian.
In 279 BC (the fifth year of King Qixiang), King Qixiang lived in Cheng Ju for five years. Tian Dan, the general of Qi, attacked the Yan army based in Jimo, and went to Cheng Ju to welcome King Qi Xiang back to Linzi, the capital of Qi (now Zibo, Shandong). Qi recovered all the territories lost before. King Qi Xiang named Tian Dan Anping Jun. ..
In 274 BC (the tenth year of King Xiang of Qi), zhouyan, a general of Zhao, led an army to attack Qi and captured the Great Wall and Gaotang of Qi.
In 27 1 year BC (the 13th year of King Qixiang), Lin Xiangru, Minister of Zhao, led an army to attack Qi, and retreated after capturing Pingyi.
In 270 BC (the 14th year of King Xiang of Qi), the State of Qin attacked Yi Gang and the shroud of Qi.
In 265 BC (the 19th year of King Qixiang), King Qixiang died, and his son Tian Jian succeeded to the throne, which was called the Sword of King Qixiang in history.
Historical evaluation of Sima Zhen's Historical Records: "The Qin Dynasty claimed to be the emperor of the East, which was the legislative chapter. Wang Jian lost his country and pines and cypresses were green. "
The father of the family members is great-great-grandfather: Qi Huangong Wu Tian.
Great grandfather: Tian.
Grandfather: Qi Xuanwang Tianbi.
Father: Qi Taekwondo
The second wife is the king and the daughter of Taishiliao.
Descendants and sons
Tian Jian, King of Qi, was the last monarch of Qi.
Tian fake, Tian Jiandi, was named King of Qi at the end of Qin Dynasty.
Tian Sheng, son of Tian Jian.
Tian Huan, son of Tian Jian.
Yi Tian, son of Tian Jian.
Tian An, the grandson of Tian Jian, was named King of Northern Hebei by Xiang Yu at the end of Qin Dynasty, and was later killed by Tian Rong.