First, refer to different
1. Submit: Submit issues that need to be discussed, decided or handled to relevant institutions or meetings.
2.Supply: supply (opinions, materials, conditions, etc.). ).
3. Submission: delivered in person.
Second, the sources are different.
1, submitted by: Korean workplace: I also submitted resumes to various enterprises during this period, but I didn't like my job, so I decided to prepare for the exam at home and take the exam every time.
2. Contributed by: Wei Wei's "Oriental" Chapter 17: Although Gith's talk provided a lot of information, Guo Xiang's whereabouts are still unanswered.
3. Submission: People's Daily 1984.6.6: Fiji's new ambassador to China presented his credentials to President Li Xiannian.
Third, the emphasis is different.
1. Submit: transfer of objects and information between natural persons and departments, and between departments within an organization.
2. Provisions: There is no subordinate relationship between organizations, natural persons and organizations and natural persons.
3. Submission: the timeliness of the transmission of objects and information, and the behaviors and actions that occur at a specific moment can only be the relationship between natural persons.