How old is Lao Zhiming?
Lao Zhiming is 45 years old. Lao Zhiming was born in August 1977. This year is 2022, 2022- 1977=45 years old, so Lao Zhiming is 45 years old this year. Lao Zhiming graduated from China University of Political Science and Law, and is currently the managing director of Huatai United Securities Co., Ltd., and has presided over dozens of listed company acquisitions and major asset restructuring acquisitions, such as Shen Yin International Stock Exchange and Hongyuan Securities, China Textile Investment's acquisition of Essence Securities, Liard Optoelectronics' acquisition of assets, Yun Sheng's acquisition of assets, Guang Ri's backdoor Guangzhou Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. and Luneng Coal and Electricity's backdoor acquisition of Jinma shares. He has rich practical experience in the field of listed company mergers and acquisitions.