Zheng Chenggong's famous saying
The famous sentence 1, the son has heard of the loyalty of the father and the loyalty of the son, but has never heard of the second son. If you want the country to be rich and strong, you can't ignore the ocean. Wealth comes from the sea, and danger comes from the sea ... Once the monarch of another country wins Nanyang, China will be in danger! 3, nourishing the heart is not good, as enjoyable as reading. He vowed to destroy Hu in Linjiang, and the lion swallowed Wu with all his strength. Try to cross the natural barrier with a whip. Don't believe that the Central Plains is not surnamed Zhu. How steep the western hills are, the cliffs and the sky. The vine hangs down the stream easily, and the bamboo dense path is slightly cool. The smoke trees are green and wild, and the spring breeze is fragrant. The tree leans against the peak, and the flowing spring hangs down the wall for a long time. Look up at Xian Cenbi and look down at cauliflower yellow. The sound of waves makes me happy, and the wind blows my dress. Hearing the sounds of nature, I suddenly saw the fragrance. At sunset in Xiling, white clouds pass through Liang Shi. Cough and gasp for gorge, greenery is more boundless. After enough, I went down the mountain and the birds returned to the pond.