Mencius met Liang. The king said, "You have come a long way, which will benefit our country."
Mencius said to him, "Why should kings talk about profit? Only benevolence and righteousness. The king said,' Why is it good for our country', the doctor said,' Why is it good for my family', and the scholar Shu Ren said,' Why is it good for my health'. It is dangerous for the state to pay taxes from top to bottom. If the country of a thousand riders kills its monarch, it will be the home of a thousand riders; A thousand times the country kills its king, then a hundred times the home. It is not too much to take thousands of things. Righteousness before righteousness, profit first, and embarrassment if you don't take it. Those who give up their loved ones without benevolence, those who give up their husbands without righteousness. " Wang also said that it was only benevolence and righteousness, so why talk about profit? "
To annotate ...
① Liang: born in the Warring States Period, in the reign of 369-3 19. The original capital of Wei was Anyi (now northwest of Xia County, Shanxi Province). Due to the pressure of Qin State, the capital was moved to Daliang (now Kaifeng, Henan Province) 36 1 year ago, so Wei was also called Liang, also known as Liang. Hui is posthumous title after his death.
(2) Benevolence: "Benevolence" is a moral concept with a wide meaning in Confucianism, and it is a summary of all kinds of goodness. The core meaning is that people love each other. "Righteousness", Confucianism means that thoughts and actions conform to certain norms.
(3) Doctor: the rank name of officials in the pre-Qin era. There are three levels below the monarch: Qing, doctor and scholar. Home: the doctor's fief. The fief is the fief (including the laborers on the land) that the vassal assigned to his ministers and doctors as heirs, also known as the fief (cài).
④ Sign: Zhao Qi Note: "Sign, take also."
⑤ Killing people: In ancient times, killing people below was called killing people.
⑥ Multiply: sound shèng, quantifier, one car and four horses as one multiplication. At that time, the main form of war was chariot war. A chariot was pulled by four horses, with three armed soldiers and several infantry on board. In ancient times, the number of chariots was often used to measure the size of vassal States or feudal lords.
⑦ Yan: Satisfaction.
Mencius visited Liang. Liang said, "Old man, you have come a long way. You must have some good ideas for my country. "
Mencius replied: "Your Majesty, what about profit? Just talk about benevolence and righteousness. The king said,' How to make my country beneficial', and the doctor said,' How to make my fiefs beneficial.' Ordinary people and ordinary people say,' how can I benefit myself?' As a result, people at higher levels and people at lower levels compete for interests, and the country is at stake. In a country with 10000 personnel carriers, the person who killed his monarch must be a doctor with 1000 personnel carriers; In a country with/kloc-0.000 chariots, the person who killed his monarch must be a doctor with/kloc-0.000 chariots. There are 1,000 of these doctors in countries with 10,000 vehicles and 100 in countries with 1,000 vehicles. They don't have much. If we put morality first and interests first, we will not be satisfied until we win the status of monarch. People who never talk about "benevolence" abandon their parents, and people who never give lectures ignore Wang. So the king only talks about benevolence and righteousness, why must he talk about profit? "
Introduction of works
Mencius Hui Liang Wang Shang is from Mencius.
Inspiration of works
This paper mainly discusses Mencius' thought of benevolent government and people-oriented: don't kill innocent people, the people "look back on them" and then "decide one"
In his article, Mencius used "He Miao as a metaphor for people" and "Rain" as a metaphor for Jun 'en, which clearly showed the importance of Jun 'en to the people and the benefits of "benevolent government". Getting to the bottom shows the remarkable effect of implementing "benevolent government"
Brief introduction of the author
Mencius (about 372 BC-289 BC) was born in Zouguo (now southeast of Zoucheng City, Shandong Province). Philosophers, thinkers and educators in the Warring States period are the representatives of Confucianism after Confucius and before Xunzi, and they are also called "Confucius and Mencius" with Confucius.