1. Background check: The company may need to conduct a background check on you to ensure that you are a reliable employee. Knowing your family background is part of HR's consideration of whether to hire you.
2. The influence of family environment on personal development: Although this issue seems to have nothing to do with work, it can actually help HR better understand your growth background and family environment. Your parents' work may have an impact on your career choice and development, and this information can help HR better understand your professional background.
3. Know your wishes and motives: By knowing your parents' work, HR can know your wishes and motives. They can find out whether you are willing to seek career advice and whether you are interested in a particular field.
So when HR asks this question, you can explain how family background affects your career choice. Make sure that when you answer questions, you pay attention to your own personal experience and goals, and emphasize your motivation and practical experience, as well as your career aspirations and expectations.
Finally, remember to keep a positive and professional attitude when answering questions. Don't interpret this question as HR wants to know about your private life, but as an opportunity to show your career planning and development.