For example, a general MCU (such as STM32f103bt6) is used for automobile instruments, special LCD driver chips, stepping motor driver chips, CAN transceiver chips (this stm32 seems to have CAN), EEPROM (if the capacity is not enough) and so on. This calculation, the cost is very high.
However, if there is a chip with such multiple functions at the same time, excluding all other unnecessary functions, the price is similar to that of an STM32F 103RBT6. I don't think anyone will choose such a universal chip. In industrial design, the pressure to reduce costs will mainly fall on R&D personnel.
In the field of automotive electronics, Freescale and Renesas did a good job. This is the most used single chip microcomputer in our company. Unless STM32 has an MCU specially designed for automotive electronics or the company wants to make a relatively high-end platform, it is generally not considered to use a general chip.
Of course, as the pursuit of its own technology, learning STM32 is a good choice. If you get this done, then all the other mcus are small dishes, hehe, my personal opinion.