1, algae: noun, algae; Algae; Algae; seaweed
2. Alumni: nouns, alumni; Female graduates; (Complex number of alumna)
3.brae: noun, steep slope; slanting
4. Caesar: noun, Caesar; Caesarean section
5.daemon: noun, elf; Inner spirit; Daemon (computer)
6. encyclopedia: noun, encyclopedia
7. Spot: noun, sunspot (plural of spot)
Gemmae: noun, bud (plural of gemma)
Heme: noun, (biochemical) heme
10, Jaeger: noun, pure wool; Gull hunting extended data 1 1, maculae: spot (plural noun of macula)
12, nebula: noun, nebula (complex number of nebula)
13, orthopedics: adjective, plastic surgery
14, pediatrics: adjectives, pediatrics
15, quaestor: noun, financial officer.
16, retina: noun, retina (plural of retina)
17, subordinate: adjective, under the sky; On the ground; Close to the ground
18, hot spring: noun, hot spring; hamam
19, hoof: noun, hoof; claw
20. Resume: nouns, resumes; All subjects; Courses; Life; Prospect (complex number of vita)
2 1, fat
English: [ft] USA: [ft]
Fat; Fat; Greasy; plump
Fat; fat
Gain weight; Increase fat.
put on weight
(fat) name; Fate (France, Spain, Cyprus); (Chinese in Southeast Asian countries)
[Network] Fat; File allocation table; obese
Fat [medicine]; mechanical engineering
22. bag
English: [bg] America: [b].
Bag; Catch; A bottle of beer.
Catch; Put it in the bag; Embezzlement and misappropriation; expand
Open trousers
[network] package; Schoolbag; bag
Apple Inc
English: [pl] USA: [pl]
Apples, apple trees, things like apples; Bombs, grenades and balls; Guys.
[Network] Apple; Apple; iMac
[Professional] Apple [Agricultural Science]; Apple [mechanical engineering]
24. cats
English: [kt] USA: [kt]
Cats, cats
Catalase; Computer-aided translation; caterpillar
Agricultural science; Medical science
English: [sd] USA: [sd]
Sad; Sad; Sad, sad; Sad and gloomy (describing color)
[network] sad; Seasonal affective disorder
Sorrow [literature]
26. Men
English: [mn] USA: [mn]
Men; Men; Human beings; Husband; Hire labour/workers
Manipulation; Staffing; Enhance courage; Be in position at ... ...
(male) name; Isle of Man (Russia); (Britain, Portugal, Italy, Romania, Czech Republic, Nepal, Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia) Mann; (Day) Ten thousand (name)
Man[ network]; Spider-Man
People [literature]; Person [law]
English: [t] America: [t, t]
Pronoun that; that
Then; In that way
Conj。 Because; so that
That; that
Name (of that); Tate (Germany)
Type of [network]
English: [ht] USA: [ht]
Put on a hat ...
The supply of intransitive verbs hats; Make a hat
Name (hat); (China) He (Cantonese Wade)
[Network] A hat with a brim; A hat with a dress
29, bag
English: [bg] America: [b].
Bag; Catch; A bottle of beer.
Catch; Put it in the bag; Embezzlement and misappropriation; expand
Open trousers
[network] package; Schoolbag; bag
English: [bd] USA: [bd]
Not good; Seriously. serious
Bad things; bad person
Very, very; Bad land; evil
A (bad) name; (Luo) Bader
[Network] Bisphenol A salicylate; Mm-hmm (to express an exclamation after eating delicious food)
Bad [major] [earth science]
3 1, happy
English: [gld] America: [LD]
Happy; willing
Make ... happy
(happy) name; (Serbia, Sweden) Grad (UK) Grader; Guerra (France, Norway)
[Network] Canon
32. Rats
English: [rt] USA: [rt]
Rats; Scumbag, traitor
Intransitive verbs catch mice; Betrayal, informer
(rat) name; (France, Italy, India, Sweden) Rath; (Thai) music
[network] children; Rats; mouse
33. Flash
English: [fl] USA: [fl]
Make a flash; show
Flash, flash; immediately
The intransitive verb flash, flash; show
(flash) name; (West) Flache
[Network] Flash memory; Flash; The flash
Electronics, communication and automatic control technology; Flash evaporation [energy science and technology]; Flash [mechanical engineering]
34. Ping
English: [flt] USA: [flt]
Flat; Monotonous; Depression; Simple; Flat; Flat; fast
Straight, esp against another surface; Once and for all; Horizontal; Direct, complete
Flat land; Apartment; plane
Flatten; [Music] To lower (the pitch), especially by a semitone.
Intransitive verbs gradually flatten out; [Music] To sing (or play) in a monotonous tone.
Flatt (name); (UK) Apartment (Name)
[Network] is flat; Vra
Plane [Specialty] [Electronics, Communication and Automatic Control Technology]; Plane [civil engineering]; Plain [earth science]
English: [tp] USA: [tp]
Tap; Pat; Put your mouth on.
An intransitive verb pat; Pat; rag
Pat; Tap, tap
(Click) Name; (Cambodia) Tower; Tower (direction)
[network] wire lap; open pore
36. Map
English: [mp] USA: [mp]
Map; Plan; Draw a map; Determine the position of gene in chromosome
Map; Schematic diagram; chromosome map
The intransitive verb gene is placed in
Name (map); Max Planck
map function
Map [Computer Science and Technology]; Map [Earth Science]
English: [md] USA: [md]
Crazy; Crazy; Stupid; elf-struck
be popular
[Network] Crazy Magazine
English: [d] America: [d]
Addition of intransitive verbs; Increase; Add up; Do addition
Add; Add; Supplement; Calculate the sum of
add operation
[Network] address; increase
[Professional] Add [Computer Science and Technology]; Add [medicine]
English: [mt(r)] USA: [mt]
Materials; event
Intransitive verbs are related; important
Name of (thing); (England, France) Matt; (West) martel
[network] things; important
Materials [agricultural science]; Problems [economics]; Materials [literature]
40. The latter
English: [lt(r)] USA: [lt]
The latter; Recently; Behind; afterwards
Name of personnel; (UK, Germany, Czech Republic) Later
[network] the latter; In order or time.
Computer science and technology behind [specialty]; The latter [earth science]