When Wang Wei saw Wang Sengbian, he only bowed, but did not bow down. The soldiers who escorted him tried to force him to bow. Wang Wei said: "Everyone just does it for himself. Why should we bow down to each other? " Wang Sengbian said to him, "As a rebellious vassal, you can't live in the grass, and you don't protect your master if he is in danger. Are princes like you loyal? " Wang Wei said: "The rise and fall is just a change of fortune. Whether the skill is exquisite or not depends on the craftsman who carved it. If Hou Jing had listened to Wang Wei's plan, how could he have won today? " Wang Sengbian laughed, thought he was a bit of a geek, and ordered him to be taken out for public. Wang Wei said, "I walked 80 miles yesterday, and I hope to lend me a donkey." Wang Sengbian said, "Your head has to go one Wan Li, isn't it eighty miles?" Wang Wei also said with a smile: "Today is my heart." Zuo Cheng, the prime minister when Jiankang fell, was insulted by Wang Wei. As soon as he saw Wang Wei, he spat in his face to vent his anger and said angrily, "Dead slave, can you do evil again?" Wang Wei said, "You don't study, you have no education, and you are not qualified to talk to me." Yu walked away angrily.
Soon, Wang Wei was escorted to Jiangling, where he met Emperor Liang with Ji Lue, Zhou Shizhen and Yan, all of whom were subordinates of Hou Jing. Wang Wei still dreamed of forgiveness, so he wrote a poem in prison and dedicated it to Liang Wudi's powerful people. The content of the poem is: "Zhao Yi can give books, and Zou Yang can give books. Why not save the fish in the river at the expense of the West River?" I have a literary talent and want to play for Yuan Di. Later, he wrote a long poem of 500 words dedicated to Emperor Liang Yuan. Yuan Di appreciates his talent and wants to forgive him. Most officials in the imperial court hated Wang Wei. They said to Yuan Di, "There are some offensive words in Wang Wei's article to Hou Jing." Yuan Di found the article, which read: "Xiang Yu has a heavy eye and the defeat of Wujiang River; Do you think Xiangdong would rather be returned to the four seas? " Xiang Yu has two pupils, so he will commit suicide in Wujiang River. Xiao Yi, the king of eastern Hunan, was blind in one eye. How can he be the king of the four seas? This hit the heart of Emperor lyna. He was so angry that he ordered Wang Wei's tongue to be nailed to a post, his intestines to be dug out of his stomach and tortured to death. However, Wang Wei's tortured face does not change color. Zhou Shizhen and Yan were also wiped out by three families (father, mother and wife) because of their involvement with Wang Wei.