(1) Suicide theory: Take "sleeping pills" to commit suicide.
Centennial tide, number 1 1
(2) Suicide theory: attempted suicide by shooting.
Excerpted from Revealing the Gao Rao Incident, Zhang Yuwen/China Youth Publishing House)
(3) resisting arrest:1winter of 954, vice minister of public security.
Minister Xu Jianguo led many people to surround Gao's residence, and his guard Zuo Xingfu fought back. At this time, Jeremy goldkorn committed suicide with a gun and left.
Xing Fu was subdued by the Ministry of Public Security and sentenced to life imprisonment &; uot。 In the latter way, he not only had a bodyguard, but also had his own, which contradicted Gao Rao's house arrest at this time. Record a passage from Mr. Wu Mingshan for your reference.