Generally, software for reading PDF is free, such as Adobe's Acrobat Reader, which also supports many platforms (Windows series/mobile platform /MAC/Unix/Linux), so it is free and universal, and of course more people use it.
PDF generation tool
Jinshan WPS(/wps.html), a domestic boutique software, is highly recommended.
Free domestic office software, which can convert documents into pdf format.
Pdf995 printer driver
Type: free software
Home Page:
Supported platforms: Windows series
After installation, a printer named PDF995 will be added. As long as you choose to print to PDF995 on the software that provides printing, you can print and save the whole document as PDF.
Best generation tool: pdf Factory
Type: shareware
Home Page:
Supported platforms: Windows series
It is used in the same way as the tool above, and it is also used to print files as PDF. Supports security settings, previews, embedded fonts, and allows pages to be inserted and deleted.