"The Richest Man in Xihong City" tells the story that Wang Duoyu (Shen Teng), the goalkeeper of Daxiang Team, a third-class team in Xihong City, was fired by the coach because of losing the game. Just when he was at a loss, Wang Duoyu suddenly received an invitation from the mysterious boss Jin () and was told that he was actually the sole heir of the insurance tycoon Wang Laoye (), with a legacy of tens of billions! But grandpa Wang made a wonderful condition, that is, he asked Wang Duoyu to spend one billion yuan in a month, and he could not tell people around him, otherwise he would lose his inheritance. Wang Duoyu signed the "written pledge to fulfill a military order" without hesitation. Together with his friends Zhuang Qiang (Zhang Yiming) and Zhu Xia (Vivian Sung), Wang Duoyu, who is about to become the richest man in Xihong, felt the happiness of being a rich man for the first time.
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