Killer whales (killer whales) killer whales (killer whales) fake killer whales (fake killer whales) fake killer whales (fake black whales) Dolphininae.
The real dolphin belongs to Delfinus.
A real beaked dolphin.
Common dolphin
Indian bottlenose dolphin
Bottlenose dolphin Trunked Dolphin belongs to Lagenorhynchus acutus.
Dolphin with white nose
A spotted dolphin.
Atlantic striped dolphin
Pacific striped dolphin with oblique belt
Dark striped dolphin (Lagenorhynchus obscurus) The striped dolphin belongs to the white-waisted striped dolphin (Lagenorhynchus acutus).
Dolphin with white nose
A spotted dolphin.
Atlantic striped dolphin
Pacific striped dolphin with oblique belt
The dark striped dolphin Lagenorhynchus obscurus belongs to Stena (coarse-toothed dolphin) and Stena Bredanes (coarse-toothed dolphin). Lissodelphis (right whale dolphin) is Lissodelphis borealis (northern right whale dolphin).
Lissodelphis peronii (Southern Right Whale Dolphin) Sarawak Dolphin belongs to Lagenodelphis Sarawak Dolphin Lagenodelphis Hosei (Frazier Dolphin). The original dolphin belongs to Stenella Attenuata (Pantropical Spotted Dolphin).
Atlantic dolphin Stenella clymene (clymene dolphin)
Striped dolphin
Atlantic spotted dolphin
Spinner dolphin pilot cetacea pilot whale (sperm whale) pilot whale (sperm whale).
The giant whale Globicephala melas grey dolphin is Grampus grey dolphin Grampus griseus (Risoe dolphin) and the melon dolphin is Peponocephala. Electra, a melon-headed dolphin (a melon-headed whale), a small killer whale (a Jurassic killer whale), Felisa Atenuata (a dwarf killer whale), a hedgehog (an Irrawaddy dolphin), a killer whale, a short-nosed camel dolphin subfamily.
Camel dolphin (black and white dolphin) head-kissing dolphin
A black and white dolphin.
Black dolphin
Black-billed dolphin
Cephalorhynchus Hector, a black-and-white Atlantic dolphin.
Jurassic dolphins belong to Sotalia (Tukuxi), Amazon white dolphin Sotalia fluviatilis (grey dolphin), white dolphin belongs to Sousa (humpback dolphin) and Chinese white dolphin Sousa chinensis.
Sousa Teuszii (Atlantic humpback dolphin)