Name of medical institution in fever clinic of Dongying district and county institutions Tel: Dongying Shengli Oilfield Central Hospital 0546-8552224 Dongying Honggang Hospital 0546-817510 Dongying People's Hospital 0546-855 1075 Dongying Shengli Shengbei Hospital 0546-8625.
If you meet any one or more of the following three conditions, please go directly to the fever clinic:
Body temperature ≥37℃ or fluctuating up and down at 37℃.
Epidemiological history: ① travel history before onset 14 days or residence history in the community where the case was reported; ② Contact history with novel coronavirus infected persons or asymptomatic infected persons within 0/4 days before onset; Patients who have been exposed to fever or respiratory symptoms in the community who reported their own cases within 0/4 days before the onset of the disease; ③ Aggregative onset.
The patient has the following symptoms: dry cough, fatigue, decreased sense of smell, stuffy nose, runny nose, sore throat, conjunctivitis, myalgia, diarrhea and other symptoms.