Nohara Hiroshi is a famous Japanese cartoon Crayon Shinchan (sometimes he will be the hero), Nohara Shinsuke (Crayon Shinchan), Nohara Himawari's father, Nohara Miho's husband, Nohara's brother, Nohara Sakura's uncle, Yamahara's son-in-law, Nohara Kensuke and Nohara Crane's youngest son.
He is a real office worker. Nohara Hiroshi was a substitute for the school table tennis team when he was a child. He has bushy eyebrows, is very lewd, and his feet stink. The shoes he wore were identified as "toxic and dangerous goods" by his family.
Xiao Xin's lewdness is probably inherited from him, and he often has some ridiculous sexual dreams. Therefore, Xiao Xin wakes up in various interesting ways, which sometimes reflects his fatherhood. Sometimes he is a very responsible father. Contrary to his mother, he doesn't often play small games (depending on the situation).