Be able to arrange spare time reasonably, get up on time and rest on time. After searching for learning materials online at home, you can take the initiative to go offline, do not browse bad websites, have never been to internet cafes, and have no internet addiction. I can watch TV and tidy my room and clothes. You don't need parents to pick you up when you go out to make up lessons. I have strong self-management and self-reliance ability.
Usually pay attention to exercise, like playing basketball, table tennis, swimming and so on. I can ride a bike, and sometimes I ride a racing car around with my father in the morning. As a sports committee member in my class, I often organize my classmates to play games with other classes. The contradiction between students in activities can help to adjust, calm and not impulsive.
In my study, I always abide by the rules and regulations of the school, adhere to the principle of seeking truth from facts, study every knowledge point carefully, skillfully use all the knowledge points taught by the teacher, conscientiously complete the exercises assigned by the teacher, and form a good habit of self-study. Have a good learning style and clear learning goals.