The online drama Kunlun Temple is an adventure drama produced by Guan Hu, directed by Cai Yuexun and starring Pan Yueming, Yuqi Zhang and Jiang Chao. The play is adapted from the novel "The Temple of Kunlun with Ghost Blowing Lights", and its content mainly revolves around the legendary story in King Gelsall.
Hu Bayi and the three of them went to Kunlun Snow Mountain and started an adventure. At the same time, the "Iron Triangle" also has a hidden task, which is to crack the secrets of the dust beads, thus opening a journey of exploring ancient tombs. After the broadcast of this drama, it aroused the enthusiasm of many audiences, because many series were shot continuously, so there were many loyal audiences.
The Iron Triangle played by Pan Yueming, Yuqi Zhang and Jiang Chao is also deeply rooted in people's hearts, and their combined partners have also made many plays. The content of this "Kunlun Temple" is very exciting and thrilling, and the road to exploration is also bumpy.