This film tells the story of recruits (Yang Zhigang), (Arqie), Zhang Chong (Zi Minghe) and Wuyun (Liu Siyan) who are recruited to join the Marine Corps. After several years of tempering, they gradually established the belief of "shedding the last drop of blood for the sea of the motherland" and became an inspirational drama for a new generation of outstanding naval soldiers.
After returning to China, Xiaoyu Jiang set up the Dragon Shark Squadron, and the combat effectiveness of our army is increasing day by day. In the dangerous task of desperate struggle with international pirates, the pirates were successfully annihilated and the oath of "letting the last drop of blood flow into the sea of the motherland" was fulfilled. The transformation of Xiaoyu Jiang, a grass-roots fisherman, from "cheating the king" to "being a great hero" has become a highlight of the film, which is remarkable. Veterans Liu Xiaoshan, Xiang Yu and others' interpretation of the veteran image is also real and touching, which has become a "tear gas bomb" for the film.