Then he will go for a walk outside and give directions to the entertainment. When I walked to the river, a man was shouting "Uncle Zheng Xiang is Uncle Xiang!" He answered "oh oh" several times and nodded his head. After the man left, Chen Zhengxiang said, "His family used to gamble!"
When he saw that the mountain was bare, he said that more trees should be planted on the hillside. When he arrived at the Zhengda family, he went to the bridge and turned back to the district office for tea. He smoked at the front door and put some matches on the table.
At that time, the District Office was located in Fang Dingying's former residence. The commune arranged for him to live in Zhou Yixun's house. After Chen Zhengxiang went in, the guard closed the door. Chen Zhengxiang said, "When you get to your hometown, it is safe. Don't close the door! " The guard opened the door again. I ate chicken, fish and vegetables at lunch, which was better than the life of rural people at that time. Chen Zhengxiang drinks leopard bone wine. He brought it himself. He can drink five taels, which is quite impressive. During the dinner, he asked, "Is there any Jia wine in my hometown? Do you have sour bacon? "
In the afternoon, I went to find Jia wine and bacon, and spent 100 yuan, which was paid by. At dinner, we put nail wine and bacon on the table, and he ate it and was very satisfied. He stayed one night and went back early the next morning.