1, Synopsis: In the TV series "Chicken Feathers Fly to Heaven", Chen Jiang and Luo Yuzhu meet under a stone bridge. After feeling sad about the past, they found that the two of them coincided with each other. They all want to use the waste from cotton mills as mops. They reached a cooperation and made a mop without telling Chen Jinshui, which was a great success. When Chen Jinshui met Chen Jianghe, he wanted to betroth his daughter's ancient bridge to He Jiang.
2. Chicken Feather Fly to the Sky is an urban inspirational business war drama, directed by Yu Ding, written by Shen Jie, and co-starred by Zhang Yi, Yin Tao, Tao Zeru, karina and Gao Shuyao. Based on the emotional and entrepreneurial stories of Chen Jiang and his wife Luo Yuzhu, the play tells the tortuous and brilliant course of Yiwu's reform and development for more than 30 years.