The so-called replica means that the template is re-made before use, and the color and packaging may be different. Whether reprinted or copied, it will be distinguished from the first edition, which is also to ensure the difference and collection value of each edition.
Vocabulary source:
The word duplicate comes from the description of A Ying, a famous novelist in China, in Xiaoyan. In this article, it is clearly stated that the difference between the replica version and the replica version is that the replica version is slightly different from the original content after the modification, editing and proofreading of the replica, while the replica version is almost the same as the original.
From the 1960s to the present, the term "replica edition" has always represented high-end products (common in prosperous areas such as Hong Kong and Taiwan). Although it has been abused by some unscrupulous merchants (claiming to be a replica version, there is no obvious change compared with the original version), it is impossible to change its meaning.