Certified public accountants, also known as the CPA qualification examination, will keep the results of this examination for five years. However, if candidates fail all subjects within the specified time, their scores will be invalid, and students should re-study and re-apply. The reason why this exam is so difficult is that the content of the exam is complicated and the pass rate is limited, so candidates have to spend more time reciting the content.
Once you lack knowledge points, you are likely to fail the exam. It takes a long time to prepare for the exam, and the validity period of five years makes candidates relax their vigilance. However, each subject requires candidates to spend a long time preparing. Most candidates need to be prepared for long-term study and recitation of knowledge in order to get the certificate smoothly within the validity period.
This difficulty has brought great pressure to many candidates who have no accounting foundation when preparing for the exam, involving tax law, accounting, strategy and other contents that many candidates did not involve during their undergraduate years. When learning a brand-new book, candidates need to sort out the contents of the book first, and then recite and calculate the accounting knowledge that needs to be calculated. If candidates don't choose to apply for classes, it is difficult to reach the passing line in the fierce competition with their own self-study ability.
1. The real name of the teacher selected by Dongfang is Sun Xiao. After 1995, after graduating from 20 19, she came to New Oriental as an