Time limit for telecom to accept online assessment after submitting resume.
Most of them should be two hours. After delivery, we will receive the evaluation notice, and the delay will be half a month. The specific time limit depends on the company arrangement. Some companies' resumes plus evaluation are equal to the first round of screening conditions, and some companies use resumes as the first round of screening conditions, and they will be evaluated after screening. In addition, it takes a long time for job seekers to apply online, so the speed is slow. First of all, the form of resume is very important. Compared with paper resume, electronic registration resume has more advantages. The electronic registration resume template is designed to meet the comprehensive requirements of the position, which reflects the inspection point of China Telecom on the position. It is very important to fill in the electronic resume. Second, after carefully studying the job requirements, it is also very important to appropriately and pertinently increase the relevant contents of the job requirements and highlight the matching degree between the resume description and the position. In short, it is helpful to improve the pass rate of resumes by filling in and commenting on online resumes carefully, completely and pertinently.