The program hosted by Jin Fei is legendary, the program hosted by Liu Wei challenges cultural celebrities, the program hosted by Liu Wei is evening news, and the program hosted by Liu Wei is a family humor video. The songs, songs, songs, songs, songs, songs, songs, songs, songs, songs, songs, songs, songs, songs, songs, songs, songs, songs, songs, songs, songs, songs, songs, songs, songs, songs, songs, songs, songs, songs, songs, songs,
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Jiangxi Radio and TV Station was formed by the merger of Jiangxi People's Broadcasting Station and jtv. It was officially listed on June 7, 20 12. It is a department-level institution directly under the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee and the Jiangxi Provincial People's Government.
It integrates various media such as radio, television, newspapers, websites, media and new media, and has powerful media matrices such as 10 TV channel, 9 radio channels, 1 network radio and TV station, 1 radio and TV newspaper and 1 sound screen commonwealth magazine, covering current political information and people's livelihood society.
Baidu encyclopedia-Jiangxi satellite TV