1. Title: Tears for you
Starring: Tsuki Satoshi/Masami Nagasawa
Synopsis: Xinyuan Yotaro (Jin Mucong) is a cheerful boy, holding the ideal of opening his own small shop and making money every day. Because he still has a younger sister coming to Okinawa to study, he wants to give her a good life. My sister's name is Xiaoxun (Masami Nagasawa). This sister is completely unrelated to him. Her mother took him and remarried Xiao Xun's father, but his father was unrestrained and left soon. Before her mother died, she told Yotaro to take good care of her sister. They lived alone for more than ten years.
But it didn't last long. When Yotaro was about to open a new store, he realized that he had been cheated. The girlfriend's father prevented them from dating again, which was a setback. My sister is very distressed. In fact, she liked her brother very early in her heart. Even though she went to college, she decided to live independently for this reason, but when she told her brother everything, he left her. ...
2. Title: Romance between man and dog
Starring: Seung Heon/Dali/Jin Xiangqi/Kil-Kang Ahn/Zheng Miner/Jin Lan/Dong-yeong Kim/Yeong-hwa Seo.
Synopsis: 1 1 year-old brother Canyi (Seung-ho Yu) takes care of his sister Xiaoyi (Jin Xiangqi) like an adult. Brother and sister always believe that as long as they are obedient, one day, their mother who ran away from home will come back to them.
Xiaoyi's birthday is here. In order to satisfy her wish, her brother gave her a newborn puppy. Xiaoyi thought it was a gift from her mother, so she named it "Heart". With the company of "heart", Xiaoyi has a playmate when the disabled one is not at home. The three little guys live happily as a family. Suddenly, Xinyi grew up. On a sunny winter day, Xinyi pulls an ice cart and plays happily with Xiaoyi on the frozen river. Unexpectedly, xiaoyi fell into the ice cave. ...
Yi Chan blamed "brains" for Xiao Yi's unexpected mistakes. Without her mother and Xiao Yi's sister, Yi Chan couldn't accept "brain" to stay with her, so Yi Chan left home and started a new life, and followed "brain" to start the search. ...