Song Zizhen, Chen Zhou, and Governor Zi Ren of Lu. Sensitive and studious, cooperate with ci work. The weak crown, the testimonial department, supplemented by the softness of my brother, were all famous people at that time, known as the Song Dynasty. At the end of the Jin Dynasty, there was chaos in Luzhou, and Zizhen wandered between Zhao and Wei. In the Song Dynasty, Peng Yibin kept his name and was appointed as a mediator. Yi Bin died, and Zi Zhen led the people to Dongping. I heard his name, recruited the shogunate, used him as a detailed deliberation officer, and promoted to school. First of all, in fact, everyone's decision to serve North Korea and ask servants to play their roles failed to pass the book, because it was against the words of Prime Minister Luye Chucai. Zizhen persuaded Zhenzi to give a gift to the Prime Minister, so as to entertain him. Whoever plays the invitation must consult the mission first. The Prime Minister is happy and naturally considerate. Therefore, he benefited from the trust in his son. For four years, Emperor Taizong actually defended Huangling, and the Jin people made an all-out attack. It was not conducive to the war, and the enemy was quite strong. Cao and Pu were all shocked to the south. Others fled from the enemy, saying that people were afraid of the size of the 8 Jin Army. Zizhen, please talk about the facts. First, cut off the threats and make Zhucheng secure. When the capital of song dynasty came down, the hungry people moved north and were hungry. Zi Zhen gave relief in many ways, and more than 10 thousand people were alive. Those who live in the Golden Chamber are recommended to Zhou Gai. Famous Confucian scholars such as Zhang Teli, Liu Su and Li Chang are all in Lv Ji. People from all over the country rushed to hear the news, so Dongping had more talents than other towns for a while.
In seven years, Emperor Taizong appointed Zhen as the right doctor. The central plains is slightly fixed, and there are many innovations. The residence is unified by more than 50 cities, and the officials of counties or counties are either self-appointed or started by the people, so they know nothing about politics. What's more, it is committed to the accumulation of talents, and officials are greedy for private interests and harm the people. Zizhen imitated the observation and interview system of the previous generation. The official is divided into three steps and established as a procedure. With the meeting, the officials began to have discipline and the people got a rest. Dongping General School, occupied by the people as a flexor household, is called Zuzhai, and its tribute is good, with hundreds of people. He Zizhen, please go back to the county. It was difficult at first, but it was easy to make people feel convenient to listen to them. Real minions, sons who are loyal to the Lord, and especially respect for their sons. Please come to the imperial court to teach you about Dongping Road and give you too many gifts and music. Zizhen became a scholar in the new temple, hired former Jinshi Kangye and Wang Pan as tutors, led hundreds of students and gave them support in studying Confucian classics. Every season, I will try it myself. Qilu Confucian style, for one change.
At the age of 30, sai-jo went south and called He Zizhen to Pu for a general plan. Yes, he said, "This dynasty is stronger than others, but Rende didn't discuss it. So people who refuse to obey orders are particularly afraid of death. If the surrenders don't kill them, those who are coerced will die, and the county of Song Dynasty can be transferred. " Sai-jo is very talkative. In the first year of China's reunification, Yidudao was awarded the mission of Fu Xuan. A few days later, I went on a pilgrimage and worshipped the three ministers on the right. New Ministry, laws and regulations, multiple sons and daughters in power. Li Xuan rebelled. According to Jinan news, Zhao Zizhen went to the Senate to save the book. Zi Zhen rode alone to Jinan to observe the situation, because Prime Minister Shi said, "You should build more peripheral cities to prevent them from swarming, because all the people from the East are sitting in an isolated city. You will not be able to attack yourself. " Discuss harmony with Tianze and then occupy it. Zi Zhen returned, wrote ten things about Chen Jian, and roughly said, "Choose the law to the official department. The outline of this country should be published as soon as possible. Supervising the president all the way, he used immateriality, took pains to be watched, and begged those who were honest and talented. Today, state and county officials have passed down from generation to generation, illegally collecting them, and the people are penniless and have no complaints. It is appropriate to move to change their disadvantages. " Also invited the founding of the country to teach Xunzi, and taught students in the county for three years. Write a book with a purpose and execute it. In the second year of Zhiyuan, the state and county officials were hereditary. Send Zizhen and Prime Minister Zuo to Shandong to transfer his officials. Also, awarded a bachelor's degree in Hanlin, convenient to participate in Chinese books. Wage the class, set the field of work and follow it. Russian, Belarusian, China, books and political affairs. Twelve strategies to restore the urgency of current affairs. The emperor regretted using his son to be loyal and filial.
After a while, the emperor asked to retire because of his advanced age. He said: "Your strength is not weak. You can stay for me and deal with important things. As long as your company is in order, I will listen to you. " In November of three years, I sincerely resigned, but I had to ask. Special Chinese books, where there is a big event, are his home visits. Zi Zhen lives in private, and whenever she hears that the court is inconvenient, she will seal the performance, love the monarch and worry about the country, and will not refuse to advance or retreat. He died at the age of 8 1. At the beginning of my illness, my family took medicine, but they said, "Life and death are life. I am over 80 years old, why should I take medicine! " When you are dying, philosophers ask you to leave your last words. Zizhen said, "I taught you a lot in the past. What can I say now?"
Zibo, the word Qiyan, is a bachelor of science in gathering talents.
Shang Ting, named Meng Qing, is from Yinzhou, Cao Zhou. His first surname was Yin, which avoided the taboo of Song Dynasty. Father Heng, Yuan Wailang of Shaanxi, died in battle. In twenty-four years, Bianjing was broken and went north. According to Guan Zhaoxi, he was curious and walked with Yuan Hao. Dongping was hired as a teacher in various schools. A true minion, a loyal son, and a monarch are quite experienced. He is a judge in Cao Zhou. After a while, I became an experience again, praising loyalty, promoting learning and cultivating people.
Guichou, a secluded ancestor, was divided by Jingzhao, famous in the world and sent to Yanzhou. Into symmetry, the word is not named. He gave a banquet and said, "When I come here, Li Yue is the city and Dongping is the rice and stone. From Dongping to Yishan, the rate of ten stones is one stone. If the car is in the rain, it will be late. Please lose to Yizhou so that the army can have food. " Sai-jo said, "Love the people like life, you can't bear it." Yang Weizhong declared that he was a doctor. In addition to the fire, there are less than 10 thousand households in eight States and twelve counties, all of which are surprised and annoyed. Considerate, virtuous, greedy, humble, set rules, manage books, print money, reward wages, pay agricultural taxes, and understand the needs. In the future, the people will be safe. Punishment is a big move, and many officials are afraid. Please halve Guanzhong's regular tax. In the middle of next year, only Lian Xixian will come and be promoted to Fu Xuan. Chen Bing, who collected 10,000 horses, 3,000 meters of stones and 3,000 pieces of silk from Jingzhao Quartermaster, said that the machinery was lost to Pingliang Army. The county people's congress is afraid of urgency. Ting said, "It's easy for him to pick rice and transport grain thousands of miles, which will hinder my silkworm and wheat." This man, who grew up in Wang Xing, is also from Pingliang. He is very attractive and scheming. He said to him, "Don't worry about official luck. My servant has accumulated millet. Please replace it." To the great delight of the people, he lost as scheduled. After the life, I will rule Huai Meng, and I will rule the territory. Ding Si and Xian Zong appointed Alan Dahl as Henan and Shaanxi accountants. Wu Wu, Fu Xuanbu, is quite Dongping.
Xian Zongqin levied Shu, sai-jo will go to Hubei and Han, and the army will be in Xiaopu, calling for military affairs. Quite right: "Shu Dao is far away, so it is not appropriate to act rashly." Sai-jo was silent for a long time and said, "Your words are just what I want." Xianzong collapsed, sai-jo returned to the north and sent Zhang Wenqian to deal with things. Ding said, "Military orders should be strict and must not be disobeyed." Qian Wen is eager to pursue it. Sai-jo suddenly realized this and cursed: "No one said this for me, and it's not a failure of Shang!" Send a special envoy to the army to make a Covenant. Soon after, the Ali brothers sent his special envoy to the army, caught him and beheaded him. Huting went north to Kaiping, which was quite close to Lian Xixian's plan.
When sai-jo acceded to the throne, he said, "The South Division should belong to the throne, and the West Division should take advantage of the army." From it. With Lian Xixian and in Shaanxi and Shu. In the summer and May of the first year of reunification, I arrived in Jingzhao. Those who don't spend money will sign the name of Shu, and those who don't spend money will be vice. When they are stationed in Liupanshan, they will fight Alibaba Brother. He said: "Six sets of three strategies. Ruidong is the best policy, taking Jingzhao directly; Gather soldiers in six episodes, watch the disaster and move, and take the middle policy; Reloading back to the north to cope with Lin, the next policy is also. " Xi Xian said, "What will he do?" Quite said: "The next policy must be made." It's already true. So he made a decision with Xian and ordered Ba Chun and Wang to send troops to defend him, which led to Xian's biography. Six sets of soldiers came from the north, Alan Dahl came from Helin, and led troops to the south. In Ganzhou, they joined Halbuhua and Hundu. Hala didn't spend too much time on words, so he led his soldiers to the north, and aranda and Hunduhai joined hands to go south. When Wang led the cavalry with Ba Chun and Wang Huishi, they refused. When the battle was in full swing and the wind was blowing, Chen Liang ordered the sergeant to dismount and suddenly moved to the left with a short soldier. After bypassing the battle, flee to the right. In August, he went straight to the front and invited him back to China. He fought in the east of Ganzhou and killed aranda and Hunduhai. The emperor was very happy and said, "Shang was also a good general in ancient times." It's quite convenient for you to change the name of Fu Xuan Department to Shu Province and become your right-hand man in Xixian.
Two years later, I joined the Senate and studied politics. In Song Dynasty, Liu Zheng was sent to Shanghai, and hundreds of people sent to Song Dynasty returned to new york for a brief introduction. The military attache asked him to punish him and give him a warning, which was quite explanatory. Yin Fei, the judge of Xingyuan, was guilty and afraid of punishment, so he borrowed soldiers to finish the city lawsuit and hoped to establish a country in North Korea. The emperor called the court to the temple and asked, "Qing is in Guanzhong and pregnant with Mencius. Both of them want to cure diseases and destroy the sun. Has anyone fallen in love with Qing? " Is it true that you are depressed and ambitious? Compared with the previous year, it is very popular, while Qing is very lonely. "That's right:" I always knew that Wentong was a man, and I tried to discuss it with Zhao Bi. I think your majesty should remember. I have been in Qin for three years, more than one year, and I have the right to respond to the situation. If the success is yours and the failure is blamed on others, I dare not. Please kill it. "As soon as I got out of the horse, the emperor combined the sudden spurs and pivot pairs and calculated all the plans before and after. Nine times out of ten, he sighed and said, "There is a lot of merit, but you are guilty. If so, who will fight for me? "Young people and others all know." In four years, he gave Jin Fu and went to the Privy Council in Sichuan.
In the first year of Zhiyuan, he entered worship and studied politics. It is suggested that the history of Liao and Jin Dynasties should be attached, and it should be done by Wang E, Li Zhi, Xu Shilong, Gao Ming, Hu Youqi and Zhou Di, which is very suitable for the emperor. In two years, the province was divided into Hedong and Russia was called back. In the past three years, the emperor paid attention to the study of Confucian classics and compared it with Yao Shu, Dou Mo, Wang E and Yang Guo in compiling the Five Classics. Worked in the Privy Council for six years. In seven years, I moved the book. In eight years, he was promoted to deputy ambassador. Counting stores, ranks of officers and salaries. Make 4,000 people open fields and 30,000 mu of land, and collect them to pay the pro-army. There are 30,000 invincible households, and one ding is also destroyed; More workers than workers, financial support each other, and form an army.
In nine years, the Prince was named King Ala of Anxi, and was appointed as the Prime Minister's Office, and the court was the Prime Minister. In the fourteenth year, Wang was called to the north for an expedition. Wang Mingting said, "If there is any inconvenience in Guanzhong, you can talk about it in detail." "There are thousands of militiamen in Yan 'an," Ding said that Li Hulanji should be trained to plan ahead. "A few days later, Toulouse rebelled and fought the enemy with the soldiers in Yan 'an. He gained strength. Ten strategies were advanced to the king, saying: be good to your neighbors, be prepared for danger in times of peace, respect the people, be prepared for danger, be good at people's livelihood, be in charge of politics, be clear-minded, be autonomous, consolidate the foundation, and judge the situation. Wang Wei bought wine for Ghana. Princess Wang Qiu established a * * * position in North Korea, and Ananda was her successor. The emperor said, "When I was young, I didn't learn from my ancestors. My aunt did what Wang Xiangfu did."
At first, there was a conflict between doctors Guo Cong, Guo and Zhao Bingwang. Or accused soldiers of breaking the law, the princess ordered the execution of six prisoners. The imperial court suspected him of being good at killing, and asked him, Shu Yunyong and Fu Gu about Zhao Bingchuan. At first, there was nothing to stick to. However, her daughter car had an ambiguous conversation with Guo in advance and was executed to save her life. The emperor was furious, called the court, detained Bing's family and sent him to prison. The emperor ordered Zhao's son to say, "Shang, an old scholar, can accuse Confucianism." Qingyang Meng Yan, a senior official of the official department, said: "I wonder if I can make up for what I did in the past, such as Song?" The emperor was unhappy and said, "This is a life-saving word of the same kind." Fu Baolang and Dong Wenzhong said: "I don't know what kind of person it is, so I used this time to promote Dai's achievements." The emperor said for a long time: "What happened?" Yes, I said, "I didn't see it with my own eyes, but I heard it with my own ears." The plot of killing is very different. " The emperor was silent. In the spring of 16 years, there was a goal: to release them all without charge and learn from their families, which was completely impossible. Winter is coming, and it is also the beginning of release. In 20 years, after the agreement was restored, Russia avoided getting sick. In twenty-one years, Zhao's son sued his father for injustice, and was tied up and released for more than one hundred days. Twenty-five years later, the emperor asked Zhong You Dong Wenyong, "What is the scale of Shang Mengqing this year?" Yes: "Eighty." The emperor cherished his old age and lamented his strong body. He died in February when he was ten years old. There are more than 1000 poems, especially Li Shu. Yan Youchu, presented to Pusheng Xie, a hero of Zuo Yun, a surname, a third division of Kaifu Yitong, and went to various countries, Lu Guogong and Wen Ding. There are five children: Hu, Lin, Tang, Xiang and Qi.
Nothing, Taiwan Province people's character. Zhiyuan fourteen years, recommended by Yao Shu and Xu Heng, went to Jiangnan to supervise the suggestion. It is good for Tang Fugui to build a healthy and defensive army, to do what he likes and falsely accuse him of being an anti-soldier. Hu knows his mistakes, but if he is falsely accused, he will release them. The Huating monk Panlong Temple was arrested for rebellion in April, and the party set fire to rob the people. Hu was eager to punish them. The grammarian accused Hu of being good at punishment, and went to Taichung and said, "When Jiangnan was wiped out, thieves came out again and again. Gu Shang used the constitutional platform according to the usual practice! " The officials discussed it and bowed. Du, a demon thief in Duchang, told Bo to make a mess and ask questions on the stage. Those who were intimidated by machines were in prison, and they were sent away by mistake. There are still many parties and fugitives, and Hu announced the list to attract more people and gather in three days. In 27 years, he went to China and Taiwan Province to supervise the country. It was an earthquake, and Hu wrote: "In the past, Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty had this difference and did nothing about it." Because of this article, the current political situation in Chen Hanwen is advancing. He added: "The way to govern the country lies in legislation and in employing people. The law is not established, it needs people to do it, people do not abuse it, and merits and demerits are the choices. " Because there are more than a dozen celebrities in the world. When the emperor followed it, he called it and waited for it. Thirty years later, I moved to Guo Zi Company. Pawn. There are selected works of Zhai Yi.
Tangzi ritual symbol. I am a thousand right-back wasteland. I am over thirty-two, and I am only thirty-two. After returning to the village, a room called Huidao Hall was built, named after the seven ancestors. When Song Renzong was a prince, he abandoned his family and was crowned at the age of 50.
Qi people's morality. In the eighth year of Dade, Cheng Zongzhao prepared for Su Wei. Renzong is in the East Palace, giving lectures to Ji Xian's bachelor. Adjust the name of the road to rule China, not to go. During the Guangxu period of Qing Dynasty, Ji Xian was awarded a bachelor's degree and served as an assistant lecturer. After four years' delay, he was promoted to be an official and a doctor, and gave 25,000 yuan in paper money. In the first year of Taiding, he moved to be a secretary and died of illness. Qishan painted landscapes. Taste Shu, be fair and law-abiding, and have no self-interest in autumn.
Zhao liangbi
Zhao Liangbi, supplemented by Chinese characters, is a straight girl. The surname is the surname, and the pronunciation is Zhao, because Zhao is the surname. Father, Jin Wei wins the army, loyal minister; The eldest son is expensive, and you are invited to make it; Liang Guizi and Xu Zhoubing officials; Be a good boy and guard Taiyuan. Everything is dead. Zhuge Liang is a resourceful professor in Zhaozhou. Sai-jo summoned him when he was sneaking into the vassal, which occupied the purpose of symmetry. He would set up a welfare department in Xingzhou and he would be the director of the curtain. Xing can't be a good official for a long time, but when he is in a hurry, the messenger will be at noon, and many people will flee. Liangbi district is well painted, things are well painted, or the system is well painted, so please go to the official residence to watch the New Year's Eve dinner. People who come back and forth for six days will be invited. Take off the shackles and break off the official town of Xing, who is a person who wants to end the crime and refuse to move. When sai-jo was in Yunnan, Liang Bi went to the post office to learn about him, so he took off his official position and left his family. Xing doubled his registered permanent residence. When sai-jo was sneaking into the vassal state, he divided his troops and played Lian Xixian and Shang Ting Xuanshan, with Liang Bi as his advisor. When Alan was a country, he feared the heroic spirit of his ancestors and fell to Xianzong. As a result, Alan Dahl was appointed as the left prime minister of Shaanxi Province, and Liu Taiping participated in politics, hooked up with Jingzhao Qian Gu and forged a group prison. More than 20 people died, all chestnuts. Liang Bi insisted on justice, and his words were sincere, so the two men could not be falsely accused, so Fu Xuan didn't sit down.
In July, sai-jo went south, summoned marshal to attend the meeting, and served as the ambassador of Jianghuai. Hold the drum in person, take the lead in foot soldiers, and win all five wars. It is forbidden to burn houses and kill people, and the people are blocked by proclaiming goodness. After crossing the river to attack Ezhou, Wen Xianzong collapsed, sai-jo returned to the north, and Liang Bi took charge of twelve things. It is said that Wei sent to Qin and Shu to inspect personnel, and in less than a month, he learned the truth. He said, "Brother Mu, the King of Zong, had no intention, so he should entrust it to six places in the southwest. There are six sets of troops in Hundu Haitun. The horses are lean and timid. New york commanded the army of Qin, Sichuan and Mongolia and won the hearts and minds of Qin and Shu. Young and brave, go into battle lightly, be a pet and solve your problems. Liu Taiping and Huo Luhuai saved trouble on their trip to Shu today, claiming to set a salary, according to Qin Shuzhi. Hundreds of slaves, Liu Heima and Wang Brothers, all gained virtue and their lives. " His words were adopted.
Last Friday, Geng Shen and Liang Bi suggested to Jin Fan: "Today, whether at home or abroad, I hope the king will enter Chen Zheng as soon as possible to ensure the safety of the world. If things develop like this, it will be impossible to stop and the country will be safe. " Fortunately, I am quiet. Since he ascended the throne, he has set up Fu Xuansi in Shaanxi and Sichuan, with Lian Xixian, Shang Ting as ambassadors, deputy directors and Liang Bi as participants. Liang Bi went first and asked the judge, "I miss going north day and night when I cross the sea. If Niu Yi is late, the advance envoy will urge Niu Yi to enter the DPRK and Liu Taiping will return to Beijing as soon as possible. " Eight springs from its discussion. At that time, the new fruit will move into Jing, and Liu Taiping will rush to six episodes, and the news will be endless. After Hunduhai Guo defected to the north, Liang Bi, Wang and Liu Heima announced a resolution to punish the party marshal in charge of Hunduhai for begging for Taiwan without spending money. Xian was worried about killing people in the name of him, so he sent messengers to fight for him. Liang Bi's secret messenger said, "The two commanders were arrested and ordered to wait for the report. I feel embarrassed and inconvenient and should punish him urgently. It's not really about announcing the company. If I am angry with the sage, I hope the messenger will play it immediately. " The emperor didn't ask, the messenger played Bai * * *, and the sage took Liang Bi as the elder. It's easy to ask for advice in Shaanxi. Schumann Yin Fei falsely accused Lian Xixian and Shang Ting of having different ambitions in Jingzhao, taking Liang Bi as the standard. The emperor called Liang Bi to cross-examine, and Liang Bi cried and said, "My second minister is loyal and kind, and I am willing to sacrifice my heart to be clear." I can't put it down. I will receive a letter from Wang Wentong, and I will doubt the intention of the Second Minister. I will work hard and try my best to break my tongue. Liang Bi's death oath has changed a lot. The emperor's original intention was to solve it, and Yin Fei's death was to punish him.
In the seventh year of Zhiyuan, he took Liang Bi as a running envoy and led North Korea to open up wasteland. Liang Bi said it was not convenient to settle the field, but he was firm, so he served Japan with Liang Bi. First of all, in the early Yuan Dynasty, several envoys were sent to Japan, but the pawn was not in place, so Liang Bi asked him to go. The emperor pitied him in his later years and forbade him, but Liang Bi begged him to be supervised by his ministers. Liang Bi played: "Four ministers, father and brother, died in Jin, and the minister begging Hanlin to erect a monument for them. Although I am dead, I have no regrets. " Invited the emperor. Give three thousand soldiers to follow, make good words, and take twenty-four officials alone. When the boat arrived at Jinjin Island, people on the island saw the boat and wanted to raise their knives to attack. Liang Bi gave up the boat and went ashore. Jin Jin reached into the board room, surrounded by soldiers, put out the candles and made a scene, but Liang Bi was as cool as a cucumber. At dawn, Chen Bing, an official of Dazaifu, called the messenger. Liang must count the crimes of disrespect, but he still uses courtesy as a metaphor. Taizai officials are ashamed to take it and ask for evidence. Liang Bi said, "I'll give it to you when I see your king." A few days later, he came back to ask for a book, saying, "Since ancient times, there have been envoys from the Taizai government in China, but those who have not arrived. Today, instead of taking credentials with him, Da Chao sent an envoy here. How can we show our trust! " Liang Bi said, "Emperor Wen of Sui sent Pei Qing, and Wang Jiao greeted him with courtesy. When Emperor Taizong and Emperor Gaozong sent envoys, they all went to see the king. Why didn't the king see the envoy of the great court alone? " Repeatedly asked for books, repeatedly questioned four times, and even threatened by soldiers. Liang Bi didn't agree at last, but it's still recorded. Later, he claimed that the general came with hundreds of soldiers to ask for books. Liang Bi said, "Those who don't see you would rather take me first than get a book." The Japanese, knowing that they can't be wronged, sent envoys to introduce 12 people to pilgrimage, but they still sent Liang Bi to Tsushima Island. In May of the tenth year, Liang Bi came to Japan and met him. The emperor asked the reason and said, "Your Majesty deserves your life." After the Emperor's meeting with Japan, he would ask three questions. Liang Yan said, "I have lived in Japan for more than 30 years, and I have seen its folk customs, and I am brave and murderous. I don't know if there are fathers and sons, but there are ups and downs. Its land is rich in mountains and rivers, and it is unprofitable to grow mulberry, so it cannot serve its people and its land is not rich. When the boat crosses the sea, the sea breeze is endless and the disaster is unpredictable. It means using the power of useful people to fill the endless huge gap. I said don't fight. " The emperor followed it.
In December of the 11th year, Liang Bi and I wrote a letter to the Privy Council. When Bo Yan, the prime minister, attacked Song, Liang Bi said, "Song is heavily armed in Yangzhou, so it is advisable to pound Qiantang with a large army first." That's the end. He also said: "When the Song Dynasty died, scholars in the south of the Yangtze River abandoned their studies. It is advisable to set up a history department to educate the people and legislate to punish officials. " Every soldier uses his argument. Emperor taste calmly asked, "Korea, a small country, is better than * * * in craftsmanship and skills. As for Confucianism, they all know Confucian classics and learn from Confucius and Mencius. * * * What's the use of poetry in the service class? " Liang Bi said to him, "This is not a scholar's disease, so what is the ear of our country?" . If poetry and fu are respected, people will follow them; If classics are respected, people will follow them.
Liang Bi repeatedly spoke ill of him, and for nineteen years, he was able to live in Huaimeng. Liang Bi's career is in Wenxian County, so he has 3,000 mu of land, which is divided into two, six and Huaizhou, and four and Mengzhou. All of them are permanently transferred to monasteries to support students, and they were born in Confucianism, which shows that they never forget their roots. Still seeking treatment, Liang Bi said: "It is helpful to have forbearance. Anger is the only thing that is easy to control because of human nature. Self-denial, and then you can control your anger; Be reasonable and forget your anger. Hard to bear, hard to tolerate, and economical. "Twenty-three years, died, seventy years old. Give it to the three companies, namely, the hero who pushed the cloud, Pacific Insurance Company, Yitong Company, posthumous title Hangong, and posthumous title. Xunzi was born in Pingzhang County, Shaanxi Province.
Zhao bi
Zhao Bi, a word treasure minister, was born in Huairen, Yunzhong. Sai-jo is a prince, heard his name, summoned him, called an unknown scholar, gave him three servants, paid him a salary, and gave him clothes after his life, depending on whether he tried on clothes, it was a profit or a loss, and there was nothing like a pet. Life red city quartet, hire celebrities such as Wang E.. And ten Mongols were born to accept Confucian books on the wall. When I finished learning Mandarin and translated The Meaning of University, I immediately listened to the statement, and my words were clear and clear, which was appreciated by my ancestors.
Xian zong acceded to the throne, and when he was summoned, he asked, "How can the world be ruled?" He said, "Please punish those who have poor service." Xianzong is unhappy. When Bi retreated, sai-jo said, "Scholar, you are so bold! I also shake hands and sweat for you. " One day, Judge Yalavachi asked the emperor with his seal: "This seal was given to the minister first, and now your majesty is on the pole. Will you still use this old seal to prevent it from being replaced by a new one? " Shi Bi waited beside him and said, "Whether to use you or not depends on the divine decision. How dare you use the seal as an invitation! " Grab its seal and put it in front of the emperor. The emperor was silent for a long time, and then said, "I can't do this either." Naturally, Yalavachi will not reuse it.
Lunzi is a runner in Henan. Liu in Henan province is greedy and violent. When he marries in the county, he must pay bribes first before making an invitation, which is called Weng. The director of the Party Department is in charge of books, especially relying on power abuse to blackmail more than 30 women. Choi, according to its sin, immediately cut it, do also cloth. Liu was startled. It's snowing heavily, and he is fighting against the wall. He drank wine and congratulated him, saying, "Snow is a good thing after getting off the bus." Bi said, "If Dong is the owner of the book, there are still people. Once the punishment is completed, Ruiying will be as big as it is. " Liu held her breath and dared not speak again. He fell ill and died. People thought he was afraid of death at that time.
I didn't cut the Song Dynasty, but I was a brief envoy of Jinghu Lake in Jianghuai. The soldiers surrounded Ezhou, and Song Jia Sidao sent an envoy to invite pedestrians to make peace. Please go after you finish. Sai-jo said, "When you go to the city, you must see my flag. When the flag moves, you can return quickly. " Bi Dengcheng, Song Jing, the general of the Song Dynasty, said, "If the northern soldiers spin their divisions, they are willing to give 200,000 pieces of silver and 200,000 pieces of silk every year." Bi said, "When a self-led army arrives, ask it honestly, but I still want to follow. Now that we have crossed the river, what good is it? What is Jia Zhijia today? " When Bi saw the flag of Sai-jo moving, he said, "We'll discuss it another day." Go back.
Xianzong collapsed and sai-jo acceded to the throne. In the first year of reunification, Yanjing was worshipped as an envoy. When it was supplied to the Shu army, the state treasury was exhausted, and soldiers were sent out to the north, painting and transporting, one after another. The book set up a provincial government, awarded political affairs, added words, and did not accept words. In two years, from the Northern Expedition, I was given my life back to Yan, in order to make peace with the government and serve as the commander in chief. It was that year that ancestral temple music was first produced. Zhong He and Guo Boda of Le Labor Party, knowing that melody was chosen, went to new york with profiles for counterfeiters and were imprisoned. Bi said, "Your Majesty must show filial piety and repay you for the elegant music in the public temple. How can you be innocent and waste the fruits of gagaku! " Please play the original. For three years, Li Chao and Yi are enemies. From the cooperation of the prince, he will beg for it. According to Jinan, the army was short of food, so it was greatly revived to take millet and sheep from Jihe River to banish the army.
In the first year of Zhiyuan, the official system was established and Dr. Rong Lu was added. The emperor wanted to write a composition about the Song Dynasty. He praised several authors, but he didn't call for it. Emperor Wencheng was overjoyed and said, "Only scholars can sing to my liking." Change the lieutenant in parliament. In six years, Song sent envoys to surrender, and the emperor ordered Marshal Asuying, with Lumen Mountain as its capital, to have a secret discussion. The life wall is accompanied by the marshal's office of the Han army. Xia Gui, a general of the Song Dynasty, led 50,000 soldiers and 3,000 ships of grain, and went upstream from Wuchang to Xiangyang. When the Hanshui River swells, it lies in ambush in danger. Guiguo dived in the middle of the night and rode out of Deer Gate for more than twenty miles. He set an ambush, captured five ships, and shouted, "The south ship has been defeated, and our navy will enter quickly." You dare not move. Mindan, Shu has arrived, leading the generals across Jiangxi to chase your cavalry, and leading thousands of households in the water army to solve your problem. So we fought side by side on Huwei Island, and your country was defeated. Many soldiers drowned, 50 warships were captured and more than 300 soldiers were captured.
Korean king was chased by his minister, and the emperor called Bi back, changed the Chinese book to Zuo Cheng, and went to Tokyo with the king's first brother to save trouble and assemble troops in Pyongyang. After his death, Bi consulted with the King of Qi and said, "Koreans have moved to Jianghua Island for many years. Although it is humble to pay tribute to ministers outside, it relies on its risks internally, so it allows powerful ministers to hide and usurp their masters. Although Yan died today, Wang is innocent. If the imperial court sends troops to protect him and restore the country to Gu Jing, An Bing can rest the hearts of the people and take the best policy. " Because he sent messengers to smell it, the emperor followed. When the peers divided the Korean beauties, they won three people and paid them back. The teacher also moved to Zhongshu Youcheng. Worshiping the ancestral temple in winter is very harmful, and some companies throw yellow curtains and take them to the kitchen. The emperor was furious and said, "You are rude!" Bi said, "Stop the staff from breaking." People can't die. Ten years, after paying homage to Pingzhang, he went into politics. Thirteen years, died, aged 57. Great virtue for three years, recommended to Da Situ and Shi Zhongliang.
The two sons: Ren Rong, have the same understanding of returning to the German government; Ren Gong, Ji Xian's bachelor. Sun Er: Commander Chong and Jiao Si; Hiro, give me some advice.