At that time, Emperor Han Yuan comforted Feng with imperial edicts, and at the same time blamed him, saying, "The emperor sympathized with the right general who led troops abroad, and it was very hard to fight abroad. Qiang thieves invaded the border and killed officials and people, which was very unnatural, so they sent generals to lead the army generals to destroy them according to God's will. It is also reasonable to lead the elite troops and crack down on unscrupulous thieves with the excellent materials of the generals. It is a disgrace to the Han Dynasty to have a reputation of chickened out and dare not attack. Is it because you were unfamiliar with the army before? Or is it because the demeanor is unpopular and the military discipline is unknown? I'm surprised. In your letter, you said that the Qiang thieves had to dispose of more troops to occupy the key points because of the deep mountains and roads, and then they had to mobilize the garrison to solve them. The deployment of the army has been decided, and judging from the situation, we can't arrange any more generals. I see. In the past, because of the lack of soldiers and insufficient defense, the general sent nearby cavalry to arrive day and night instead of attacking. At present, the recruitment of Sanfu, Hedong, Hongnong, Trace Shooting, Feifei, Bi, Orphan and Tired is in full swing. War is a dangerous thing, there will be success or failure. I was afraid that the strategy was not agreed in advance and I was not careful in understanding the enemy's situation, so I sent General Fenwu. Sun Tzu's Art of War said that when a general goes out to war, he must be favored by the general and let him throw his weight around and make suggestions. What does the general suspect? Love soldiers and gain morale, and you won't regret your decision. It is the general's responsibility to completely capture the enemy. As for the transportation costs, there are special officials in charge, so the general need not worry. When General Fenwu arrives, we will attack the Qiang thieves together. "
In the same year 10, the troops assembled in Longxi county. 1 1 month, attack together. Qiang thieves and soldiers were defeated, killing thousands first, and the rest fled. The battle was undecided, and the Western Han Dynasty recruited another 10,000 soldiers, and named Han Anguo, the magistrate of Dingxiang, as General Jianwei. Before we set out, I heard that Qiang thieves were defeated. Emperor Han Yuan said, "The Qiang thieves were punished for their defeat and fled to the border. Those truce soldiers left more guards on the battlefield to defend key points. "
Yong Guang returned to Beijing in February of the third year (before 4 1 year), and left as the new general, the position of Guang Luxun remained unchanged. Later, Emperor Hanyuan wrote a letter saying: "Qiang thieves and soldiers are cruel and cunning, killing officials and people, attacking the yamen in Longxi County, burning down the post station and cutting off roads and bridges, which is a great rebellion. General Lu Xun and Feng Feng led the troops to conquer, beheaded and captured more than 8,000 people, and seized tens of thousands of cattle, horses and sheep. Feng was named the marquis of Guannei, giving 500 restaurants and 60 Jin of gold. " More than 30 generals and a captain were rewarded.
More than a year later, Feng died of illness. Feng served as a military commander for ten years before and after, and was a veteran who killed the enemy to protect his family. His fame is second only to that of Zhao Chongguo.