(1) Once upon a time, a monk was robbed, and his dharma name was Juehua. It was incredible that he settled in Wang Tathagata. At that time, the Tibetan Bodhisattva was a Brahmin woman, and her mother Yue emperor did not believe in the Three Treasures, went astray, and fell into hell to suffer after her death. The woman sold her property, begged extensively from Koge, and made a living in stupa temple. With sincere respect, put aside other thoughts and call the Buddha's name with one heart. His mother inherited her daughter's filial piety, and she was released from prison because of her merits.
(2) The Tibetan Bodhisattva used to be a filial daughter named Guangmu. His mother loved caviar and committed a very serious murder. Anemarrhena asphodeloides, a woman with bare eyes, will fall into evil ways after death. Please abide by it with arhat. Her mother will suffer a lot in hell. The bare-eyed woman believes in Buddhism wholeheartedly, respectfully supports her, and rescues her mother from hell with the strength of sincere filial piety.