This variety show has two seasons, which were broadcast on Mnet in Korea on 20 18 and 20 19 respectively. In the second quarter of last year, the host Shen Dongye, artists Zhang, Hong Xitian, Li, Cheetah and Tintin were the guests.
The object of observation is five men and five women (a boy, a girl, a shared room and an outdoor public space) who live in ipartment, Jeju Island, South Korea, and spend eight days and seven nights together.
Not everyone takes part in the program for the purpose of finding true love. Before the program begins, everyone has two identities to choose from: one is a "love catcher" who wants to find true love, and the other is a "money catcher" who comes for the purpose of making money.
In the history of Korean love variety production, there have been many brilliant achievements. The star love reality show "Let's Get Married" and the amateur love reality show "Heartbeat Signal" have gained countless fans in China. How many people know Victoria Song through Winnie the Pooh in Let's Get Married?
What cities are there in Henan Province? Henan province (17 prefecture-level city, 2 1 county-level city):
17 prefecture-level cities: Zhengzhou, Kaifen